-11- Beach

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"Go fish!" Natsu shouts as he jumps up grinning again. I groan for the hundredth time. 

"Cheater" I mutter then I fold my arms over my chest pouting. 

"Awh, don't be mad just because I'm better than you at everything Luce" Natsu smirked.

I huff and looked away, trying to hide my smile that was beginning to form. Currently, Natsu and I are say in his hotel room playing cards. Mira and Laxus are... actually I'm not sure, all I know is that they're out together.

This has happened a lot these pasted few days. Natsu and I are ditched so we decide to meet up. It's only been a couple of days, but I practically know everything about him! 

He has a younger sister called Wendy. His father is called Igneel and his mother Grandina. He first stating acting at the age of 16, then he became famous at 19. I even found out he's had 5 broken bones and that at his prom he was kissed by a boy! He even briefly mentioned about being in a club, or gang, or whatever you call it... 

"Whatever" I rolled my eyes at his previous comment. "So what do you wanna do now?" I ask bored.

"Hmm, lets..." He stopped for a moment and thought, although I'm sure he was constipated. "Lets go to the beach!" He gasped then grinned like a child.

I giggled at how cute he looked. . . . WHAT?! NO! Natsu isn't cute! Well, maybe a bit. NO! Bad Lucy! Don't think of him like that. I shook my head then looked back at Natsu.

"Sure! I'll go get my things, meet at entrance in 10?"

"Ok, bye Luce!" Natsu waved as I walked out. I waved back then went back to my hotel.


10 minutes later I'm waiting at the entrance for Natsu like we planned, only, he's not here yet! I sigh and look around. "Natsu, where are you?" I groan under my breath.

"Right here" I scream when his hot breath lands on my shoulder behind me.

"NATSU!" I yelled and spun around with my hand over my chest. I could feel my heart pumping hard.

He grinned at me. "Lets go!" He smiled then grabbed my hand and lead me inside a metallic red SUV. "To the beach Atlas!" Natsu says to the driver.

"You have a driver? Can't you drive?" I ask him surprised.

"Uh... no" he admitted sheepishly. I giggled at him and looked out the window. A comfortable silence rested over us.

Finally, we reached the beach. Natsu and I hopped out the car and ran down to the shore. I slipped off my maxi-dress as my feet hit the sand. I slide the dress down my body, revealing my red bikini. It had a bow at the front of the top half and my bottoms had bow strings at the sides.

I look around and try and find Natsu. I saw him by the ocean dipping his foot into the water slightly. I laughed as I heard him shriek and jump back. Water must be cold. "Hey Natsu!" I call out as I run over.

He turned around to me. "The waters fre.. zing... woah" he stuttered out. I blushed as he looked me up and down. 

"Uhm..." I looked down at my feet shyly. Was he saying woah in a good way, or bad?

"Oh! The waters cold, ahah ha..." He told me smiling, his cheeks slightly tinted red.

I tested the water by dripping my toe in. "Eeek!" I squeal as the cold water shocked me.

"Told ya!" Natsu smirked smugly.

"Yeah, yeah whatever" I roll my eyes at him. "I'm going sun bathing for awhile!" I tell him then I run to find a good place to lay down for a bit. "Perfect" I sigh when I find my ideal spot.

I lay down my towel I had packet and sat on it. The sun was burning down on my skin, making me sigh in bliss. Suddenly, I heard a huge splash and a cry. My head snapped up just as Natsu's head pops back out of the water.

"It's cold!" I heard him scream. He must've heard my laughter because next he turns to me, glaring as I topple over. I close my eyes once more and try to relax.

I think it's been 5 minutes now, and I haven't heard a single sound from Natsu... It's completely quite. The beach is a privet one, so that's why no one else was around, but that doesn't explain why Natsu's so quite.

I open my eyes and look around for him. "Natsu?" I shout, but was met with silence.



IT'S ALMOST 2019! Thanks for reading, hope you enjoyed. Have a great new year! Next update is Wednesday!

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