-13- Sleepover?

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Since everyone from California is here Mira and I decided to lend our rooms to them. Mira moved over to my room and the girls except Erza is staying there. Erza said she's go with the boys to make sure they don't destroy the hotel.

"So, what's happening with you and Laxus Mira?" Levy asks her. We were all in the bedroom in our animal onezies. We decided to have a sleepover, a girls reunion just for tonight, that's why Erza's here.

"Laxus? W-what do you m-mean? N-nothing's going on..." she stuttered with bright red cheeks.

"Really? So you and him going out everyday since you reunited is nothing?" I accuse her smirking.

"Oh shit" Yep, that's right, caught out.

"Oooh, tell Juvia the details!" Juvia squealed.

"Well, it's true. Laxus has been taking me somewhere new everyday" She sighed as if she was having an amazing dream. "He's so kind and caring. Sweet and considerate-"

"Handsome and dreamy. My one true love" I intimidated her. 

"Hey! 1, I do not sound like that! 2, what's going on with you and Natsu?!" she asked while blushing beet red.

"What?" I gasped.

"Ooh, even I'm curious about THAT one" Erza said leaning closer to me.

"Nothing's going on with Natsu and I!" I scream at them. They all looked at me with a blank expression.

"You sure about that?" Levy asks with a raised eyebrow.

"No. Wait, YES! What, I mean no! Wait, it's a trick, yes! Hang on... ughhh! I'm confused!" I cry and put my hands on my head as the head ache began.

All the girls start laughing at me. "Lucy's got a crush!~ Lucy's got a crush!~" Juvia began singing which they all joined in to.

As they were chanting the annoying phrase I heard the room bell ring. "I'll get it" I mutter although they were all to busy singing. I swing the door open whilst rolling my eyes at my friends.

"Uhm... Hey Luce, is this a bad time?" Well shit, Natsu's here.

"Oh, hey Natsu" I heard all the girls shut up. Oh no, what're they planning?

"I was wondering if you'd like to go for a walk?" He grinned.

"Oh, well, we were having a gi-" Mira and Erza appeared next to me, one of them shoving their hand over my mouth making my words muffled.

"She'd love to go!" Mira smiled innocently.

"Have her back before 12!" Erza warned and they began to push me out.

"Wait! I'm in my PJ's and I have no shoes!" I shout trying to get back in.

"Here ya go!" Levy shouts while throwing me my shoes.

"Wha?" I try talking but Juvia interrupts me.

"Juvia wants you to have fun, but use protection Natsu and Lucy!" 

Then they completely pushed me out and slammed the door. "I'M GONNA KILL YOU ALL WHEN I GET BACK!" I scream while banging on the door.

"Uhh... Luce?" Natsu snaps me out of my angry faze.

"Right, sorry" I blush then quickly get my shoes on. "So where we going?" I ask as we walk to the doors.

"I didn't actually think that far" He laughed sheepishly at me.

I rolled my eyes and laughed at him "Luckily I know where to go" Then I took Natsu to the park I had went to on my first night.

"Is there anything you wanted to talk about?" I asked Natsu as we both sat down on the swings.

"Ye, actually" He admitted. He rubbed the back of his neck nervously as a small blush tinted his cheeks. 

"Oh, is everything alright?" I ask observing him closely.

"I, uhm, yes, it's just that. Well, I wanted to ask you, if you would. You know, you don't have to bu-" 

"Natsu spit it out" I groaned throwing my head back in annoyance. 

"Would you like to go on a date with me?" He squeaks. 

What? Woah. Okay then... I didn't expect that. He was looking at me with an emotion in his eyes which I couldn't read. My heart was pounding out of my chest. He was still waiting for my answer.

"It's okay if you don't want to! It was stupid to ask, I'll just go now" He stood up getting ready to leave. Jeez, why do boys do that? If you don't answer straight away it means no? Ughh!

As he took one step away I quickly grabbed his hand. "Hey Natsu," he turned back around. I smiled warmly at him, noticing as his shoulders became less tense.

"You're really annoying, ya know?" His face visibly dropped.

"And, you're always eating my food!" I continued.


"Jeez Luce, if you didn't wanna go you could've just said!" He pouted. I giggled and rolled my eyes.

"And...." I flicked his fore-head, "I'd love to go on a date with you".


Next update will be Sunday!

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