-28- Family dinner : P1

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I hadn't slept for too long last night due to late night panicking what to wear. I decided to wear a blue blouse, white skirt and brown boots. 

I got up from the comfort of my bed and made my way into the bathroom. I ran a quick bath then hoped in for twenty minutes. After I dried my hair I styled it into a side ponytail then put my outfit on.

Natsu should be here an- 

"Luce!" Ah, right on time. I open the door and greet him with a smile. "Hey! You ready?" 

"Yep!" I grin and we made our way to the car where Atlas was waiting. Natsu wore a white shirt paired with black jeans and dark blue shoes.

"So, about my parents, they might be a little... nosy. Anyways, if at any point they start to annoy you tell me and I'll sort em' out"

"Alright" I giggle, but I felt my hands start to sweat. In truth, I was trying to keep a calm look on my face, although I'm freaking out on the inside!

It wasn't as long as I hoped it would be before we arrived at The Dragneel Mansion. Natsu opened my door and offered me his hand. "Why are you acting so gentleman like?" I snort taking his hand.

He rolled his eyes at me before answering in a posh/flirty voice. "Because it would be impolite if I didn't open the door for m'lady"

"Sure" I laugh. We link arms and start walking up the path. I clutch Natsu tighter as we are a few steps away from the door.

"It's alright Lucy, I'm here" He whispered in my ear. Then he knocked on the door.

Within a matter of seconds the door opened revealing a blue-haired teenager. "NATSU!" She squealed then jumped on him.

"Wendy!" He chuckled hugging her back. "I've missed ya" He said once they pulled away.

Wendy rolled her eyes at him "Yeah, well you wouldn't have if you visited more often".

"Touche" He saluted, then Wendy looked over to me.

"Woah, you're even prettier in person!" She gasped. I blushed at her comment.

"Oh, thank you" I answer shyly.

"I'm Wendy!" The teen hugged me. I gasp in shock as she jumped on me.

I eventually smile and hug back. "Lucy, I think we'll be great friends Wendy" I tell her.

She pulled back and grinned. "Are you going to invite them in or not?!" A man shouted from inside the house. Wendy blushed in embarrassment.

"Oops, come in" We all entered the mansion. It was huge inside, bigger than the outside! The whole house looked completely modernised too, these people must be rich!

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