-40- I'll be your dragon

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A day went by, then a week, then a month, then a few months. It was now the thirtieth of June, one day until my birthday, eight until Natsu's. Everything had been going perfectly recently.

Natsu and I had been together for six months, he even moved in with me! His parents love me. My modelling career has also turned into an acting one! My friends and I, if possible, have gotten even closer, and we all visit the Fairy Tail pub every Friday!

I sigh and relax as hot water surrounds my aching muscles in the bath. Everything was going perfect, like I said... Although, it was a little too perfect. I had a horrid feeling something bad was bound to happen soon...


"Lucy... we need to talk..." I look at Natsu in confusion. We were in the middle of a field of flowers, having a picnic.

"What's wrong Natsu?" my nerves run wild seeing as I'm not use to seeing him this serious.

"I've been thinking for awhile... About us, and well..." He took a deep breath before continuing, "I hate you! I want to break up with you"

I hate you.

I want to break up with you.

Want to break up with you.

Break up with you.

"NOOOOOO!" I wake up with tears streaming down my face. My heart pumped out of control as I tried to contain my sobs. 

"Luce?! What's wrong? Lucy!" I looked over to see Natsu sat up in bed startled. He looked at my tears with a frown. "It was just a dream" He then whispered into my ear, holding me in a hug.

I cried onto his chest for awhile before looking up at him. "Y-you c-can't leave m-me Natsu. Y-you can never h-hate me. D-don't leave me" 

He hushed me and rocked back and forth, rubbing soothing circles on my back. "I'm not going to leave you anytime soon, I love you Lucy" He kissed my forehead and continued to rock back and forth with me.

"I love you too" I whisper as I drift back unconscious.


"Shut up, you'll wake her!" a harsh whisper shouted.

"No I won't!" The other growled, still quiet.

"Shhh! Guys, she's waking up!" A third says.

I groan and rub my eyes. I twist in the bed and started to lean up. Everything was silent as I started to open my eyes. "Happy birthday!" My friends scream in my face. 

UNEXPECTED COINCIDENCE -COMPLETED-Where stories live. Discover now