-4- Pinkie Pie

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The next day we boarded the plane early. I woke up at five, having only slept for two hours due to late night packing. Mira and I met up with all the girls and Gray, Jellal and Gajeel at Juvia's cafe before I left with Mira.

It's eight now and Mira and I are about to board our plane. It's to be along flight so I brought a pillow to sleep with. I don't do so good on long flights.

"You ready Lucy?" Mira asks me.

"As ready as I'll ever be" I smiled to her and we took our seats.

I fell asleep after five minuets from setting off. I stared out the window as the darkness pulled me in. Other than a few startled wakes of me forgetting where I was, I slept for most of the journey.

"...cy ...ucy ..Lucy" I heard a soft whisper in my ear.

"Five more minuets" I mumble and snuggle further into my pillow.

The person giggled. "We're home!" They said.

My eyes snapped open and I saw Mira next to me. I smiled widely at her and jumped up. I rushed off my seat and ran down the plane, trying my best to avoid any passengers which were still on board.

"Lucy wait!" I heard Mira laugh behind me as I almost reached the door.

"Lucy watch out!" Mira shouted but I was too late, I had bumped into someone.

I collapsed to the ground as did the person I ran into. I gasped and quickly stood up. "I'm soooo sorry!" I offered the person my hand.

They groaned. I looked down to see a man with... Pink hair? Strange... Hehehe Pinkie Pie.

"I'm so sorry sir!" I say once more. The person grabbed my hand then brushed themselves off.

"Do you know who I am?!" He huffed at me. I raised my eyebrow.

"No, should I?" I ask. He finally looked up at me. His eyes were a dark colour, I think onyx.

I saw him look me up and down. "Lucy we better go! Sorry sir!" Mira said once she caught up to me.

She dragged me off the plane and into the airport. She said something to me, but I was in a trance, I couldn't get the strangers face out of my head. Something about him seemed so familiar...

"Lucy come on we'll miss our car!" Mira snapped me out of it. She gave me my suitcase and once again dragged me away.

"Right" I mumbled as we entered the car. Mira told him the hotel we were staying at and be drove off.

"Lucy!" Mira shouted my name.

"Huh?" I asked startled.

"What's gotten into you? You're so out of it today" she giggled.

"I guess..." I muttered off.

"Does it happen to be about a certain stranger we saw earlier?" She asked, waggling her eyebrows.

"N-no!" She smirked at me "okay fine!" I blushed.

She laughed at me and continued to tease me for the rest of our journey.

"Thank you" we both said as we exited the cab. We took our belongings and stared at the building in front of us.

"Let's get a room then, shall we?" Mira asked leading us in.


I sat on my double bed and stared at the ceiling. We had just gotten into our rooms. Mira got the one next door so we're close.

I huffed and lifted my suitcase up onto the bed with me. I hate the first days of holiday. That's the day you have to unpack and clean up.

Oh well, at least there's an all you can eat buffet later! So, I started to clean to room and put away my clothes, and let me tell you.

It took ages!


I knock on Mira's door whilst bouncing on my toes. It's time for food! She opened the door and smiled at me.

"Let's go! I'm starving!" I groaned. She giggled and followed me as I ran down the corridor.

I entered the hotels restaurant and ran straight to the buffet. I got a plate and immediately started piling it with food.

Mira and I took a seat at a table and watched at all the others started to fill up. "Mmmh" I moaned at the smell of my food.

"Jeez, Lucy, you feeding a whole family?" Mira joked as she looked at my mountain of food. I laughed at her and started to eat.

As I started eating a voice entered my head.

All that food is going to make you fat! No one is ever going to love you fatty!

I gasped at Bixslow's voice. "Lucy? Are you alright?" Mira asked.

I quickly shakes my head trying to sort it out. "Uhm, yeh, sorry aha" I then looked down.

"Alright" she looked unsure, but just continued to eat her food as I picked at mine.

Suddenly, the two chairs beside Mira's and mine where dragged open and two plates of food were out down.

"Mind if we join you?"

Oh damn, it's Pinkie Pie.


I think everyone can guess who Pinkie Pie is. Than you for reading, hope you enjoyed. Next update will be Wednesday!

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