-18- Us a chance...

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Lucy's POV - after Mira left

I stayed on the floor a little while longer as my friends hugged me. I'm not sure where Mira went, I just know she went.

"Are you alright Lucy?" Someone asked me, I think Jellal.

I finally stood up and wiped my tears, holding them in for a bit. "I'm fine" I whispered then I walk out and into my hotel room. No one followed, everything was just silent.

I shut my door behind me and sobbed loudly. I couldn't hold it back anymore. I just cried my heart out. I don't even know why I'm reacting like this... It's just a guy.

"Lucy?" I hear someone shout my name then banging on the door. I knew from the voice that it was Erza.

"I-i'm fine." I try and steady my breathing.

She tried to open the door. "Lucy let me in" she spoke in a soft voice.

I sobbed again. "I just want to be alone for awhile" I manage to get out. She stopped trying to get in.

"Are you sure, don't you want to talk to someone?" Levy joined in.

"Please leave me alone" I asked in a low tone. I didn't feel like talking. They didn't reply but I heard footsteps going away. I sighed in relief then jumped onto my bed. I looked down at my outfit with teary eyes. This was for Natsu.

"Why doesn't anyone like me?!" I scream into my covers.

"First Bickslow, then Natsu..." I say out loud.

"Always for Lisanna..." I mumble into the sheets.

What's so good about her? Sure, she's pretty... And probably really nice... And everything I'm not...

 I sit up and wipe away all my tears. No! I won't cry over boys anymore! I'm done with them. I get up and strut into my closet. I take off the dress Erza made and threw it to the back of my clothes. Next, I got out some joggers and a vest.

I'm not going anywhere tonight, not going to see anyone. No point in dressing up. I shove the chilled clothes on and jump back into the bed.

No romance movies! It'll just make me sad... I'll watch... Horror!

I put on The Shining and snuggle up into my covers. No more boys, no more love. No more heartbreaks, just me and my covers.


"Watch out!" I scream at my TV as the man almost killed the women. "No!" I screamed again.

The movie was starting to get intense, I was on the edge of the bed. The climax was building up, almost on its peak.

Then... "Lucy!" I scream. I roll of the bed and fall face flat on the floor. Well, didn't really expect that.

I grumble and get up, pausing the movie at the same time. I walk to my door and groaned. "What do you want! I'm watching a movie!" I prayed it wasn't Erza outside otherwise she'd kill me for snapping at her.

Their answer came a little delayed, but when the person spoke again my heart sank. "Can we talk Luce?"

My breathing became unsteady and I closed my eyes. "I don't want to talk to you" I mumble stubbornly. My head starts to lean on the door.

"Please Luce... I'm sorry" he whispered although I heard. I sighed.

It's not going to solve itself I guess... I unlock the door and walk into the bedroom.

I heard him walk in and close the door behind him. I didn't look at him as he walked into the room and looked around, and I still didn't look at him when he sat beside me.

"What do you want" I ask under my breath. I hug my knees against my chest and look straight forward.

"I just wanted to say Lisanna and I, we aren't, you know-" I cut him off.

"It's fine, you wanted her back, it just happened to be the day where we was going to go out"

"No Luce it's not-"

"Natsu honestly it's fine. You don't have to make up excuses because you want her. She's your ex, it's completely fine if you still want her" I heard my voice waver a bit.

"Lucy! Stop interrupting me!" I stayed quiet and he sighed again. "I don't like Lisanna and we aren't getting back together... She came to say sorry, I think, I want going to take her back or let her in my life again..."

I stayed silent. "Ok" I finally said. Then I looked at him for the first time. He was already staring at me, probably at my puffy red cheeks. He had his normal everyday clothes on, as though he never got ready for going out.

"I'm really sorry Lucy" he told me again. I looked into his eyes. They showed guilt and sadness.

"It's fine Natsu" I gave him a small smile.

"It's not... Don't lie to me Lucy" he groaned and dragged a hand through his hair. "Let me make it up to you, I'll take you out on Friday, no dropping out I promise"

I looked at him. I liked Natsu, I wanted to go out with him, give him a chance... Us a chance, but...


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