-42- My heart stops...

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I slowly revealed the letter and opened it with shaky hands. 

To Family/Carer of Natsu Dragneel,

                                                                       We are sorry to inform you, but Sir. Dragneel has been discovered to be M.I.A.

I stopped reading and let the letter drop to the floor. I heard everyone gasp in horror/ shock when I read the first sentence of the letter. Wendy stayed silent as my knees gave out from under me. I looked at Igneel and Grandina. 

Grandina had her head buried into his chest and although I couldn't see, I knew she was crying by her shaking shoulder. I wanted to cry, but the tears didn't come, I just felt... Empty.

"What does M.I.A. mean?" Wendy asked in a low voice, breaking the silence.

"Missing in Action" Igneel answered, his head hung low.

"But that doesn't mean he's dead!" She tried to give us hope.

"But it's what it's implying" Grandina sobbed.

My heart broke. My breathing hitched. I didn't want to admit it. I didn't want to hear it. He was still alive! He has to be... He promised!

"No!" I gasped for air as it suddenly stopped entering my system. 

"Lucy!" I hear the worried tones of the Dragneel's, but they seem so far away. All I can think about is Natsu. He can't be gone!

"No! No, no, no! Natsu!" I choke on my words as less and less air refuses to enter.

"Lucy!" The voices sounded nothing greater than whispers now. Black, the dark, it came from the corner of my eyes. It travelled into my eyes, taking over my sight.

My breaths became desperate. I reached for air, one hand on my neck, stretching to let air in. The darkness fully too over and I felt my body loose it's weight. Everything felt light, it felt like the room was spinning. I feel myself tumble to the ground.

Then, I knew for a fact I wasn't conscious anymore.


Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep.

The sound of beeping began to become comforting as I heard it continuously. I heard people enter the room and talk, but I didn't dare open my eyes. I felt the wires and heard the machines around me.

I knew where I were. I knew why I was here. I remember why it happened, but I don't understand why...

Why him? Out of everyone! I don't care if I sound selfish, I just want my Natsu back! I want Natsu! I want my Natsu back!

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