-26- Matching

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Days went by. Then weeks. Then months, and finally the movie was complete. Christmas was around the corner too! Everything in my life right now is going amazing.

Natsu and I are as close as ever since we had been working on this movie, and tonight we're going out with our friends to watch the premiere. I'm so excited! It's going to be a busy night. It's my first ever premiere so I'm a bit nervous, but I know Natsu will be there with me.

I was wearing a purple dress. It reached down to the floor but you could see part of my heels still. It was crossed over at the front and had an open back. I was wearing light makeup, not too heavy.

I heard a knock at the door and swallowed my nerves. Time to go. I open the door and smile at Natsu. He was wearing a... Purple suite?! WE WERE MATCHING?! Woah!

"Hey Luce.." Natsu said, looking me up and down with wide eyes. "Woah" he breathed out. "You look amazing"

I blushed and looked at my hands. I wasn't expecting that. "Thank you, don't look to bad yourself" I grin back at him.

"Hey! We're matching!" He exclaimed.

"I know, people are going to think it's intentional" I sigh, but we later laugh it off.

"Lets go, Atlas is waiting in the car for us" I nodded and followed him out. Instead of our usual SUV, today we were riding in a limousine.

"I've never been in a limousine before" I tell Natsu as we sit down.

"Well, I'm glad to be here with you for your first time!" He grins happily at me. I blush again.

It wasn't long until we heard cheers and laughter of people. Camera flashes blurred through the windows and without properly looking at them, I could already tell it was packed.

"You ready?" Natsu asked standing up. I took a shaky breath and nodded. He offered me his arm and we linked. We both stepped out the car.





 I laughed at the last one. 

"Over here! Natsu, Lucy, smile for us!" We heard paparazzi call us from all around. I looked at Natsu and he shrugged, stopping in his tracks. 

"Smile Luce" He instructed and I did as he said. I flashed my pearly whites at all the people around us and waved slightly. Flashes hit our faces as many photos were taken.

"Oooh! Yes! Right there! Closer!" We heard a man shout. I thought Natsu hadn't heard it or ignored it, but he surprised me when he placed his arm around my waist and pulled me closer to him.

UNEXPECTED COINCIDENCE -COMPLETED-Where stories live. Discover now