-2- Who's Lisanna?

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The next day came by in a flash and before I knew it I was at a restaurant with Bixslow.

He was, yet again, talking about his job. "So the boss is giving me a promotion, but to officially get it I have to go away for awhile, is that alright for you?" Bixslow asked me.

I nodded and smiled. "That's great! I knew you'd get the promotion!"

We continued to talk, this time something other than about him. Finally the waitress came with our food and we tucked in.

"That's him!" I heard someone gasp from next to me. I turned around to see some people taking and pointing at Bixslow.

"Woah! Should we talk to him?!" Another spoke.

"Let's go!" A third said and they walked up to us.

"E-excuse me sir... A-are you r-really Bixslow Justine?!" The smallest asked.

Bixslow looked up and smirked at the, I think teens, in front of us. "Yes"

"Woah! Cool! Wait if you're him why aren't you with Lisanna? Why are you with this women?!" One asked.

Lisanna? Who is she? What?!

"Yeh! Why aren't you with your girlfriend!?" They all shouted.

"Excuse me, but I am Bixslow's girlfriend!" I glare at them.

"No you're not! Lisanna is!" One glared back at me.

"Who's Lisanna?!" I shouted.

"The famous actor! The most amazing person ever! Beautiful and kind" one dazed off. I looked at Bixslow in shock and confusion, but he avoided eye contact.

"Here!" One of them passed me a news paper and I looked at it in shock and sadness. There he was, Bixslow, kissing the Lisanna girl.

Tears flooded my eyes as I looked up at him. "Y-you. I. What?!" I cried. Bixslow rolled his eyes at me. "It's not true is it?" I proceeded to cry.

"Sorry Lucy, but I was just using you for a fuck. Sorry, not sorry" I stood up from the table.

Tears continued to flow down my face as rapid as the rain outside. "Bastard!" I slap him across the face then run out into the pouring rain.

I screamed and tugged on my hair as I ran down the abandoned streets. I give up! I gave him my everything! Is this my reward?!

"I hate you! Fat! Ugly! Worthless!" I shouted into the night. I stopped running and fell to my knees, my beautiful dress which I wore just for him ripped slightly since it got caught on my heels.

"I hate you!" I sobbed and covered my eyes with my hands. "What did I do wrong?!" I cried harder.

I don't understand. What did I do?! "Lucy?" I heard someone call me name. I didn't bother to look up as two arms lifted me from the ground.

"Is she alright?" I heard a feminine voice call besides the masculine one which called for me earlier.

"Poor thing" he muttered as I continued to cry.

I finally looked at as I felt us walking. Through the thick rain saw the dark face of Erza. I looked at the man carrying me and saw Gray.

"It's alright now Lucy. We've got you" she smiled and held my hand. I let out a sob again.

"Go to sleep Lucy, we've got you" Gray said in my ear as I closed my eyes. Then I let the darkness take over me.


Gray's POV

Erza and I speed walked down the wet streets. It's dark out and we just wanted to get inside. Erza wanted to get home to Jellal and I did to Juvia.

"I saw your latest designs for Juvia's cafe, they were great" I said making conversation with Erza.

"Really? Thanks Gray, I spent extra long on them for Juvia" she smiled.

"I hate you! Fat! Ugly! Worthless!" We stopped in our tracks when we heard a voice shout out into the night, stopping our conversation.

"I hate you!" It called again and we walked closer. "What did I do wrong?!" Was the final words we heard before we say someone crouched in middle of the road.

Their sobs were loud as I began to recognise who it was. "Lucy?" I shouted and look at Erza.

"Oh my!" She gasped and we both ran over to her. I lifted her up from the ground and laid her in my arms. She was freezing and still crying. She arms whole body shook.

"Is she alright?" Erza asked from beside me. I shrugged and looked down at her as Erza copied me.

"Poor thing" I muttered. After awhile she finally looked up at Erza and I.

"It's alright now Lucy, we've got you" Erza said holding bee hand to calm Lucy down. She sobbed gently once more.

"Got to sleep Lucy, we've got you" I say in her ear and she closed her eyes.

"Gray, carry her to my house, she can stay there tonight" Erza demanded. I nodded and we both went to Erza's.


Second chapter up! Hope you enjoy, Natsu will be in soon! Next update is on Friday or Saturday! Thank you!

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