-41- I miss those days...

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I laugh to myself as I flipped through my photo album. Three whole years had passed since I broke up with Bixslow. Three years since I first met Natsu. Two years since we started dating. I smile more as I saw the first picture Natsu and I ever took.

We were in the wedding dress shop. I had the beautiful gown on as Natsu had his tuxedo. We were both staring into each others eyes, almost kissing but not quite there. I remember that day, the first day Natsu and I started to hang out, since Mira and Laxus left us.

It was a good day. I miss days like those. Cafe-free days, not a worry in the world. I flip through some more pages. 

A huge grin spreads over my face as a picture of my friends and I stood on the beach. They all wore the creepy masks they had scared me with previously. Next to it was Laxus and I winning the little tournament we played, Natsu sulking in the back.

I turn the page and my heart stopped. Natsu and I were in the rolling rink. He had his arms on my waist, my back pressed against his chest. We looked so happy... I loved that day, I loved roller skating with him.

My smile froze and eventually turns into a frown. I missed those days so bad. I miss being happy. I miss being with them, with him... I miss Natsu.

I put the book back into the shelf and take a shaky breath. It's Natsu's birthday tomorrow, he would be twenty-seven. I look at my bare finger as tears came into my eyes. I remember when the ring was here. Sitting on my finger where it belonged. 

I looked at the time and noticed it was time to go to work. No more sad memorises... I can block everything out when I'm there. Everything except my friends of course. They were still as annoying as ever, but I'm grateful for that, because if they wasn't I would've given up completely.

I grab a coat and began to walk out. The streets looked dull now-a-days. Boring and plain. Dead and sad, I could relate to the streets. They show off how I'm feeling inside.

"Morning Lu!" Levy cheered as I walked into the building of Sorcerer Weekly. 

I place a smile onto my face and looked at her. "Morning Levy... any news?" I ask hopeful.

She sighs and shakes her head. I let my smile drop slightly and nod. "Alright" I whisper then I walk to my office. I had gone up at work, my rank was even higher than Levy!

I look at my desk for any new paper work or assignments. The only thing I saw was a picture of Natsu and I. I picked it up and let a few tears fall. 

I suppose I should explain what happened...

It's quite simple in a way actually, Natsu went away. Went away... To war.

He joined the army on his twenty-fourth birthday. I was so proud of him. Although he joined the army, we were still as close as ever, nothing had really changed between us. It was when he was twenty-five. That's when everything went down hill...

Our second Christmas together, Natsu proposed to me. I was ecstatic. Overjoyed! I accepted immediately, we were both so happy. Then, like I said, it was when he was twenty-five. He got a note from his officer. They needed him to go in, to train more for an upcoming war...

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