-32- What did I say?

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My pillow felt extra comfy today, but at the same time a little harder, and I think I could feel it hugging me back... Wait, that's not normal, is it? I slowly peel my eyes open and was met with a naked chest.

"EEEEK! LUCY KICK!" I scream and push it away from me and off my bed.

"Ooof!" It cried out as it hit the floor. I slowly peered over the side of my bed. "Luce~" it spoke. Wait a minute, Luce?

"Natsu?" I ask.

"Yes" He groaned, his voice muffled by the flooring.

"Oops, sorry!" I gasp and helped him back up onto the bed.

"Jeez, you ask me to sleep over, beg me to stay in the bed, then kick me out! Whats's with girls' mood swings?" Natsu muttered to himself.

"Oh, I did? Sorry, I must've been more drunk than I realised" I feel my cheeks burning up. I asked him to stay over? In my bed!

"Yeh, you was" He whispers looking me in the eyes. I blush even more as he smiles at me. "Never mind that, I'm hungry!" He gets up and starts walking out the room. "You coming?"

"Uhm, yeah... one minute" He nods at me then leaves. What did I do last night? I put my dressing gown over me then go to Natsu.

"I'm going to make an English fry-up!" Natsu grinned to me as I walk into the kitchen. I raised my eyebrows in surprise.

"You can cook?!" 

He looked at me and smirked. "A little" Oh no...


Turns out Natsu really could cook! We sat down at the table eating the breakfast he made, and might I say, it was amazing! 

"Wow, I'm impressed" I say finishing my last bite.

"Told ya!" he grinned and collected my dish, putting it into the sink and washing up.

"Alright what's the catch? You cooking for me, washing the dishes... Did I do something last night or something, did we make a bet for you to be a gentleman?" I chuckle, but stop as I see Natsu stiffen.

"Oh gosh, what did I do?" I groaned nervously.

"N-nothing?" He said, but it came out like a question.

"Natsu" I say sternly. I glare at him until I see a crack in his facade.

"Y-you was just a little drunk that's all..." He says nervously.

"What did I say?" Jeez, it couldn't have been that bad that he was acting like this, could've it?

"Y-you said... Nothing, you was just really hyper and drunk. Nothing bad Luce, don't panic" Natsu grinned.

"Alright..." I say not fully believing him.

"So, what do you wanna do today? It's Saturday, so I don't have anything planned" he says sitting back down. 

"Hmm... I have nothing"

"Ooh! Lets go rollerskating! Can we? Please!" Natsu begged like a little child.

"Sure," I giggled, "Let me just get ready, you should go home and do the same"

"Yes! Thanks Luce! I'll pick you up in an hour!" He then runs out my house. Oh no, did he forget he had no shirt on?!


I was wearing blue denim shorts, high-waisted, with a pink, long sleeved, belly top. I had my hair up in pig tails and light makeup on. I feel great!

"Luce, I'm here!" Natsu shouts me.

"Coming!" I shout then make my way downstairs.

Natsu looked at me and smiled. I waved and walked up to him. "Cute" I faintly heard him whisper under his breath. "Ready to go?" He asked and I nodded.

"Great!" He grinned. I locked my door then went with Natsu inside the car. "Roller skating rink, please Atlas"

"Sure Natsu!" Atlas grinned at us through the front mirror.

Throughout the journey I felt Natsu's eyes on me, but he wouldn't say anything. I wonder what he's thinking about, he's been acting strange today.

It wasn't long until we pulled up to the retro skating rink. I grinned and quickly got out the car, after thanking Atlas. "I haven't been skating before" I tell Natsu as we walk in.

"Then I'll help you skate" He grins at me. As we walk I felt his hand slip into mine. My heart sped up and my breathing came a little unsteady. I looked at Natsu but he was staring straight ahead.

We paid and the lady who worked their gave us a pair of skated each. We got then on, me struggling slightly, then Natsu offered his hand to me once more.

"Thanks" I say and grab it. The first time I tried to stand up I lost my footing and slipped. "Ouch" I pouted as Natsu laughed me. "Hey!" I glare at him, then pull him down with me.

"Ouch!" He gasped as he fell next to me, this time I laughed. "Hey!" He pouted at me. I stuck my tongue out and tried to stand up again.

He got up next to me and watched as I struggled. "Ahh!" I squeal as I found myself falling backwards again. Before I hit the ground, two arms wrapped their selves around me.

"Hey Luce, don't go falling unless it's for me" Natsu whispers in my ear then brings me up.

"Deal" I smirk, then, after figuring out me stepping, I skated out to the rink. Natsu stared at me as I glided in, he smiled at me, a strange look in his eyes.

He finally joined me and skated over. Instead of coming to me, he started to go around the rink in circles. I watched in amazement at how he didn't lose his footing once. He came up to me and grabbed my hands.

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