-24- A movie star!

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We had just arrived home four hours ago. I had unpacked all my clothes and was currently lay down on my bed. It's so boring here... I forgot what I use to do for fun. Everyone was back at work, but I still had a few days off.

"Ugh! Why is everything so boring?!" I screech at the ceiling, just then, my phone went off.

"Hello?" I asked bored through the phone.

"Lucy! You'll never believe what happened! So, I was in work and this guy came up to me and he said he wanted you to be one of the main roles in this movie he's directing!" Levy said on the other line. I could barely understand her with how fast she talked, but I got the idea.

"An acting gig? But I'm a model, I don't do acting?" I answer back confused.

"Never mind that, you can still act! Besides he said you was perfect for the role!" Levy squealed in excitement. "Please Lu! Please do it!" She begged.

I stayed silent for a moment. Maybe I should do it, it'll be fun... "Alright, I'm in".

"Eeeek! Yay! I'll send Rouge your number! P.s. he's the one who wants you" Then she ended the call.

"Yeh, bye to you too" I mutter to the empty line. I'm going to be in a movie, as one of the main roles... This'll be interesting!


I woke up the next day bright and early, ready to meet this Rouge person. I was meeting him at eleven and since it was nine I had two hours to get ready. I hop in a quick shower then dry my hair.

I put on a cute blue miniskirt and a white blouse. "I'll get food on the way" I decided then I set off.

After making a quick stop at Juvia's cafe, which was as busy as ever, I finished my walk to 'weekly sorcerer'.

"Levy! I'm here!" I shout when I enter the building.

"Finally!" I hear her before I see her. "Come, quick!" She gestures me to follow her and we both jog to the meeting room.

As I walk in I notice two men sat down at the table. One with black hair and a scar running over his nose, he had eyes as dark ads the night. The other man had blonde hair and a scar on his eyebrow, his eyes were a dark blue colour.

"Lucy, isn't it? I'm Rogue Cheney." The dark haired man stood when he saw me and offered me his hand.

I shook it and smiled. "That is me" then I look over to the other man.

"I'm Sting Eucliffe, I'll be in the movie with you" He says shaking my hand too. I smile back as we all took our seats.

"The other main lead is away but will be here next week, for now I'd be discussing your roles and the basic movie plot" Rogue explained to me. I nodded and sat patiently as he told me everything I'd need to know.


I sighed and leaned back in the bath. The hot water surrounded my body and relaxed my muscles. Rogue had told me all about the movie and the plot, and by the sounds of it, it'll be exciting to see.

It's about a women, called Lily, who has a husband, but fall out of love with him and in love with someone else. They meet secretly everyday for a year, They start off as friends but soon things change between them.

Sting is playing my husband, I'm Lily. The movie's called 'Loving Lily' I can't wait, it's going to be fun! Although, I'm unsure who my other lover, aka; Peter, is going to be, but I'm finding out next week at first rehearsals.

I sigh in relief and get out the bath after another ten minutes. I love baths, they're so nice. I was about to climb into bed, just as my phone rang.

"Hello?" I ask.

"Luce!" Natsu's cheery voice calls from down the phone.

"Natsu! Hey!" I say back just as enthusiastic. I sit on my bed with a smile.

"Guess what! I'm coming home tomorrow, so we can be reunited!" He put on an accent at the end, sounding like he was dying to see me like those men in cheesy romance movies.

"Oh my love! Life has been too hard without my partner" I say back, joining in his little roleplay. I heard him chuckle down the phone. "Ohh!" I gasp out. "Guess what happened today!"

"Hmmm... You got your ears pierced?" He asked.


"You broke a nail?"

"Try again!" 

"You went to work?" He asked.

"Close, but nope!"

"Ugh! I give up!" He groaned in frustration.

I giggled at him. "I've got an acting gig! I'm gonna be in a movie!" I squealed out in excitement.

"That's amazing Luce!" Then Natsu and I stayed up all night, talking over the phone catching up about the few days we had been separated. 

As we spoke I still couldn't get over what happened today. I'm going to be a movie star!

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