-3- Home to Magnolia

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Lucy's POV

I woke up in an unfamiliar room. I saw pink strawberry-like coloured walls and cream flooring. I began to recognise where I were.

"Lucy, you're awake!" I heard a cheery voice say from the doorway. I snapped my head to see.

"Erza? When am I doing here?" I mutter and started to get up.

"You don't remember what happened last night?" She asked frowning.

Unfortunately, I could remember what happened last night. Tears gathered in the corner of my eyes as I thought about what HE did.

"I remember" I whisper, barely audible.

"What happened Lucy?" She asked coming closer to pull me into a side hug.

"Can we call all the girls to meet at Juvia's cafe?" I ask, while wiping away the tears that slipped.

"Alright" She said getting. "Get ready then, there's a change of clothes next to you" she then walked out the room. I took a deep breath and got ready. Once I had finished I went out to find Erza.

"Let's go then" she smiled and we started to walk to Juvia's cafe which was down the road. Upon entering the cafe I was swarmed with many questions and hugs by my friends. I hugged them back. "Let's sit down" I told them and we all took a seat.

Around me was, Levy, Juvia, Erza and Mira. "So what happened?..." Levy broke the silence.

"H-he... I" I bit my lip to stop myself from crying. Then, before my tears could even think about falling I told them the whole story.

They all gasped then Erza slammed her fist on the table. "I'll kill him!" She growled.

"I'll join you on that" Mira grumbled as Levy glared at the table in anger.

"Juvia should've known! Horrid man! Always calling Lucy fat!" Juvia yelled, partly angry with herself.

"He did what?!" Mira screeched.

"I'm gonna kill him!" Levy screamed.

I smiled gently at my friend's. "Guys... It's fine, really..." I smile sadly looking at my hands.

"No it's not Lucy! Don't you realise what he did?!" Levy shouted.

"Bixslow BROKE Lucy!" Juvia huffed in anger.

"I can't let him get away with this!" Erza growled again.

"Lucy... You said he cheated on you, who was the girl?" Mira asked.

UNEXPECTED COINCIDENCE -COMPLETED-Where stories live. Discover now