-22- The Heartfilia Mansion

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I paced around the room, my suite cases surrounding me. Tomorrow I was leaving, yet I still had unfinished business to do. I stopped when I heard the bell and sighed in relief. I swung the door open and met eyes with Natsu.

"You ready to go?" He asked.

"As ready as I'll ever be" I sighed and stepped out, locking my door behind me. Today was the we were going to see my father. And I was nervous like hell!

We got into the car and Natsu told Atlas where we were going. My legs shook nervously as did my hands. "Lucy, calm down" Natsu said, placing a hand on my thigh.

"Sorry, I'm just really nervous" I whisper.

"It's alright" He smiles then pushes my head down to rest on his shoulder.

It felt like only seconds when we arrived at my old home. We thanked Atlas as he drove off then stared at the mansion. The Heartfilia Mansion. This is a place I never thought I'd be seeing again...

Natsu held my hand since he noticed my flinches and panicked looking around as soon as we stepped foot through the gate. "You know what, lets just go back. he's probably got a meeting, so lets go!" I say backing up.

"Lucy" Natsu said sternly. "You are going to do this, and I'll be with you every step of the way" He then grabs my hand and pulls me to the door, not wasting another second by knocking.

I gulped and looked down, I felt my palms go sweaty. I heard the door open and looked up. "Lucy!" I was tackled into a hug by my old babysitter.

"Ms Spetto" I say and hug her back.

"Oh dear, how I've missed you" She sighed into my hair.

"I missed you too" I smile as we pull away. She looks beside me at Natsu.

"And whose this young man? Your boyfriend? Husband?" She questioned eyeing him up and down.

"I'm Natsu miss, Lucy's friend" Natsu shook her hand out of politeness.

"He's a keeper Lucy" She whispered into my ear before letting us in.

"Princess!" A shout was heard from the stairs. I followed the sound and saw a familiar pink-haired women standing there in her maid outfit.

"Virgo!" I smiled and pulled her into a hug.

"Sorry princess, but your father already knows of your return" She says once we pull away. "He's requested to see you at once" 

"Oh" I say. My nerves began to rise again.

"Don't worry Luce, I'll be right beside you" Natsu said placing an arm around me.

"Thank you Natsu" I whisper then we walk through the empty halls. When passing by I noticed the few pictures left on the walls. It use to be filled to the brim with photos, now lay, what? Ten, maybe less?

I stop in my tracks when I see our old family portrait, Natsu stops beside me too. "Mama" I whisper as my fingers trace the dusty painting. I remember this day, I was so impatient, I just wanted the photo to be done so I could play...

"Lucy" Natsu snapped my out of my trans and pointed down the hall.

"Right" I mutter and we continued to walk. I stared at the floor since the walls brought back to many heartbreaking memories. Finally, we stop outside two huge wooden doors.

I knock on my shaky hands. "Enter" Came an emotionless voice from behind it. My heart sank a little. He didn't sound different... But maybe he's changed on the inside? I grab Natsu's hand as we walk in and he squeezes it in return.

We walk forward until we are face to face with the man who made my life a living hell. The man who I thought loved me. The man who was supposed to love me. My father.

"Lucy" He hummed in disappointment and my heart shattered. Was it even right to have a little bit of hope that he might've been happy to see me?

"Father" My voice was low and I held Natsu's hand tighter. He looked at me worried but I stayed locked in my fathers eyes.

He rose from his chair and slowly started walking around to me. Deja vu hit me hard and my hands started to shake. "Lucy?" Natsu whispered my name although I couldn't take my eyes off the movement of my father.

We stood in front of one another now. He looked down at me as I looked up. Then, he spoke.

"You aren't my daughter" 

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