-21- You play dirty!

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After I had told Natsu all that went down, so say he was shocked would be rude it was that much of a lie. He didn't even speak for thirty minuets straight he was that speechless! Now we are sat on his bed, watching 'The Fault in Our Stars'.

"Luce, when are you going back home? Laxus and I are going in a week" Natsu spoke after the movie had finished.

"I'm not sure, I think we only have a few days left actually" I sigh and lean back.

"We'll still talk after we go back, right?" He asks. I sit up and smile at him.

"Of course dummy! I won't stop talking to you" I rolled my eyes.

"Good" He grinned and leaned back with me. We both lay on our backs, staring at the ceiling.

"Natsu..." I suddenly whisper.

"Ye, Luce?" He asks in the same tone. I move on my side, facing him.

"I promised myself I'd do something before I left... Visit someone, although I'm scared to do it. And I was wondering, since everyone else is busy, if you'd come with me? I'm scared to go alone" I admitted.

"Sure, where do you need to go, who do you need to visit?" He asked.

I swallowed hard and faced the ceiling once more. "My father" My voice came out in a small squeak.

"Ok" He said, well, more like asked. "Why are you scared?" He asked.

"I.. Uhm..." I felt nervous. I didn't want Natsu to know about my pathetic life...

"I'm guessing you've not had the best of relationships with him... My mum and I are like that, she likes my sister more than me, always has. She never wanted a boy really, so when my sister came after me, she was ecstatic. But I never let it bother me, my father still loved me to pieces" 

I smile sadly. "I was close with my mother" My voice cracked a little at the end.

Natsu's reply was quite and cautious, "Was?"

I looked at him, to find him staring at me. "She died when I was ten." He gave me a frown.


I smile slightly. "It's not your fault" Then we let the silence envelope us.


Tonight was the night where we all decided to have dinner at a nice restaurant. It was Natsu, Mira, Laxus, Juvia, Gray, Levy, Gajeel, Erza, Jellal and I. We had to get a huge table so we could all fit. Natsu was on my right, Levy on my left, with Erza facing me.

"So, how has Mira and Laxus been?" Juvia asks the new couple.

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