-39- Merry Christmas

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My eyes stayed closed but I was awake. Truth is, I don't want to wake up, I don't want to wake up and find out last night was all a dream. A fantasy.

I don't want Natsu and my's confession to have been fake. Nor the kiss we shared, or the late night cuddling. My doubt got the best of me as I reached over to feel the other side of the bed, but was greeted with an empty space.

"I knew it was too good to be true" I pouted and opened my eyes. I sat up in my bed and looked around for any traces that Natsu had been there.

After sighing, having found nothing, I got up and made my way downstairs for coffee. No one was downstairs, making my mood even worse. I made my coffee and sat down, turning the television on.

"So, there you have it folks. Natsu Dragneel and Lucy Heartfilia have been proven to be a couple-" my eyes snapped open wider than they have ever been before. WHAT?!

I watched as images of Natsu and I last night at Fairy Tail came on. OH MY BLOODY GOODNESS! LAST NIGHT WASN'T A DREAM! IT WAS REAL! I'M WITH NATSU! Where is he?

I failed to hear my front door opening and closing as I watched the TV in shock. I also failed to hear the footsteps creeping around to behind me. How do I know if I didn't hear them? Well, that's because...

"BOO!" He screamed down my ear. 

"KYA!" I jumped up in fright and letting out a scream of my own. 


I turn around at glare at Natsu as he grinned at me. "What is wrong with you?!" I screech.

"What?" He tilts his head to the side confused. So cute...

"You scared me!" I shout.

"Oh, sorry babe" He hugged me as an apology.

I blushed but leaned into his embrace. "It's fine. What time are we going to your parents'?"

His reply made my eyes almost pop out of their socket. "In about an hour"

"WHAT?" I jump up and run straight to the bathroom, well, let's see how fast I can get ready then. 


Natsu and I stood outside the familiar mansion. I was so nervous to be here, last time didn't end too well... The door opened and my breathing hitched, Natsu squeezed my hand comfortingly.

"Natsu! Lucy!" Wendy grinned.

"Hey Wendy!" We both smile back.

"MERRY CHRISTMAS!" She squealed excited, awh, she's too cute!

"Merry Christmas" I giggle back and she opens the door wider allowing Natsu and I to step inside.

"Natsu my boy!" Igneel cheered as we entered the dining room, "And Lucy?!" He grinned at me.

"Hi Igneel!" I smiled as he picked Natsu and I up into a huge hug.

"So good to see you two again!" he smiled.

"Hey dad" Natsu chuckled, then Wendy came running in.

"Did you hear? Did you? Did you? Natsu and Lucy are a couple now! Isn't that great?! Lucy's part of the family" The young girl jumped in joy.

Natsu and I blushed as Igneel beamed. "So you rumours are true are they? Come, sit down. You can tell us all about it over dinner!"

Then, Grandina entered. It was like the whole world silenced as we faced each other. Then, a huge smile broke out onto her face, she ran up to me and pulled me into a hug. "Lucy! Great to see you again!"

She pulled away and hugged Natsu. "Natsu!" 

Natsu and I shared a look, then I smile. "It's great to see you too, and before we go any further, I'd like to apologise for my behaviour last time... It was rude and not the way I was raised" I bow my head down to her.

"No dear, I should apologise, I shouldn't have acted that way. You were right, Natsu's my son, I should love and respect him like a mother does, like you do" I smile at her to what she returned. "Take a seat, food won't be too long".

"Could I not help with anything? It's the least I could do to say thanks for letting me come here today" I ask.

"Nonsense Lucy! You're part of the family now!" Igneel shouted over and Natsu hugged my side. I feel a huge smile stretch on my face.

"But I'd still like to help" Grandina nodded and gestured me to follow her into the kitchen.

I came out a few minutes later holding a few plates of food, I placed them on the table as Grandina severed the last few. "Lucy, Lucy! Sit next to me! Please!" Wendy asked waving her hand at me.

I looked at Natsu as he pouted. "But she's my girlfriend!"

"And she's my sister-in-law to be!" Wendy argued back. I laughed their parents rolled their eyes.

"Sorry Natsu, but I'm gonna sit with Wendy today" His mouth hung open.

"But. But!" He crossed his arms and started to sulk.

"Honestly Natsu, anyone would think you're eight, not twenty-three!" Igneel sighed and buried his head in his hand in embarrassment. 

Natsu grinned childishly and shrugged his shoulders. Me and the others laughed at him. He really was childish.

"Well then! Merry Christmas everyone!" Grandina said smiling.

"Merry Christmas!" We say back, then we began our Christmas feast. And let me be the first to say....


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