-36- Fairy Tail!

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I jumped out of bed when I heard the blasting alarm, or ring, of my phone. I groaned and picked up without checking the caller ID.

"What?" I growled harshly down the phone.

"Good morning to you too cupcake!" Natsu's cheery voice came from down the phone.

"Natsu, what do you want? It's too early for this" I cry down the phone.

"Too early? It's eleven! And, Christmas Eve!" he cheers.

I groan again. "I don't care, let me sleep" 

"Nope, now, get dressed because I'll be at your door in... Ten minutes!" He then ended the call.

TEN MINUTES?! I scramble out of bed and rush to get ready. Stupid Natsu, waking me up then demanding me to get ready this early! I smiled anyways, I hadn't seen him in ages, I missed my pink haired idiot. 

I finished getting ready just as my door opened and closed. "I'm here~" Natsu sang through the house, I groaned. Why is he so happy?

I go downstairs and find him sat on the couch/sofa, making himself at home. "You alright honey? Comfortable enough? Don't want me to go make you a coffee or bake you a cake?" I ask in a sickly-sweet voice and an over exaggerated smile.

Natsu looked at me and chuckled, "A brew would be lovely dear" He smiled. I let my smile drop. "Up" I scowled at him as he laughed. I kicked his feet up from my couch and sat down next to him.

"What do you want?" I ask tiredly.

"Hello to you too" He grinned.

"Natsu~" I groaned.

"Oh darling, save the groans and moans for bed" He winked at the end of his sentence. My mouth hung open.

"Natsu!" I scolded him, feeling my cheeks go warmer. "You're such an idiot" I pout playfully.

"Only for you babe" He winked again. Jeez, he's such a flirt. "Anyways, I came because we're going out!" 

"We are? And to where?" I ask raising an eyebrow.

"To Fairy Tail" He grinned then he pulled me from the couch and out the house, leaving no time for me to protest.


The car which Natsu dragged me in stopped outside a homely building. A huge sign at the front said 'Fairy Tail' with a strange logo underneath it.

"What is this place Natsu?" I ask as he opens the door for me.

He smiled genuinely, "Home" was all he said as he pulled me inside.

UNEXPECTED COINCIDENCE -COMPLETED-Where stories live. Discover now