-14- A talk with Laxus

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After I arrived back at my hotel room the girls had immediately swarmed me, asking what Natsu and I talked about. When I told them about my date they all squealed and jumped in excitement. And, since they're MY friends, they demanded I let them dress me up.

It wasn't much later when we all fell asleep though, so now it's the next morning. It's my turn in the bathroom, I'm currently brushing my blonde hair. It was still damp since I had a shower.

I put my brush down and stare into the mirror. My blonde hair, although just brushed seemed ragged. My big brown eyes seemed all too big and looked dark and sunken. My skin no longer had it's golden tan which I gained in America and had gone back to its usual pale colour.

I couldn't help but be disappointed at my reflection. "What's wrong with me?" I mumble under my breath as I tugged on my floppy cheeks. It was strange. Me being like this. The old Lucy would never had doubted herself, or think she was any less than she was. The old Lucy was nicer, better... 

What happened?

Then I remembered, of course. It all went downhill after I met him. It all went wrong. I went wrong.

Bickslow. He was my downfall.

"Lucy are you done?" I heard someone shout through the other side of the door. 

"One minute!" I call back. I sigh and look away from the mirror. I need to change... The old Lucy needs to come back! I'll start by being more positive!

I walked out the door, passing Erza and my way. I smiled at her as she did back. Step one, always smile. "Morning everyone!" I grinned to all my friends.

"Someone woke up in a good mood" Juvia giggled.

"Indeed!" I strutted around the hotel room, looking for my shoes. I've decided I want to go on an early jog!

"By the way, Lucy." I turn around.

"Juvia, Erza and I are taking our men and getting rooms of our own, so you and Mira can have yours back" Levy informed me.

"Alright!" I said just as I found my shoes. "I'm going for a quick run, the weather is brilliant today, don't you think?" 

Everyone looked at me shocked, even Erza who had come from the bathroom only a second ago. "What?" Mira breaks the ice.

"I'm going for a jog..." I say slowly so they can process it.

"AHAHAHAH! Good joke Lucy! Juvia almost believed you!" I frowned at everyone as they toppled over clutching their stomachs whilst laughing hard.

"I'm being serious!" I tell them annoyed, a tick mark on my forehead.

"Sure Lucy" Erza rolls her eyes.

"Since when did Lucy, the one who despises any type of exercise, want to go on a jog" Levy asked wiping her eye as one tear dropped.

"Since now!" I growl as they bust into another round of laughter. I huff and open the door, slamming it behind me. Immature pricks!


I jogged around the hotel then down the road which lead to the park. It was slightly busier now, although it was still quite deserted. "Lucy!" I heard someone shout me from behind. I slowed my pace and waited for them to catch up.

"Oh, hey Laxus" I say once he's beside me. We both continue down the road, this time walking.

"I heard Natsu asked you out on a date" He said. Wow, talk about getting straight to the point.

"Oh, uhm, yes he did" I say, not knowing where this conversation was going to go.

He suddenly stopped walking and we both paused in front of a bench which happened to be there. Laxus sat down and patted the space next to him. I sat and waited for him to speak up again.

"So, I know you know Natsu is famous and all... And you'd expect him to have been on plenty of dates, but actually, he doesn't really talk to many girls" Laxus informed me.

"Really?" I ask slightly surprised. "I would've thought Natsu had girls coming at him from left and right"

"He does, it's just that he doesn't really pay attention to that.., Truth is, I've only ever known Natsu to like one girl, and that was Lisanna..." Oh.

"Oh. So has he had no other girlfriends?" I wanted to be sure.

"Not that I know of, and he tells me everything. I'm not sure if you knew, but Natsu and I are cousins" Wow that is a surprise for me.

"No, I didn't know actually..."

"Listen, I'm just going to cut right to the chase. Natsu likes you, a lot. And as his big cousin I don't want him to get hurt, so, make it easy for him. If you like him, don't hurt him. If you don't like him, please don't lead him on Lucy" 

"I would never. I know how bad it is to fall in love with someone who doesn't like or even care about you" I sigh sadly.

Laxus looks at my in sympathy and it makes me wonder if Mira told him about me. Then he gets up and offers me his hand. "Well, that's all I really wanted to talk to you about" he shrugged.

"Oh, well, do you wanna jog back to the hotel? I have a date I need to get ready for later" I giggle.

"Lets go then, you can't be late for your amazing date!" He gasps dramatically making me laugh.

"Oh, and Laxus" I stop him.

"Yes?" He asks, slightly unsure.

"You should use your own advice... If you like Mira, don't hurt her and perhaps make a move. If not, don't lead her on" Then I started to jog back, chuckling at his flustered face.

Well, who would've known a talk with Laxus would be so relaxing.


Next update is either Monday or Tuesday!

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