-8- Fans?

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"Woah" he breathed out. I blushed and looked down as he walked closer to me. Julie squealed in the back ground. "You know what, seeing you in the dress makes me wish you really was my bride" Natsu whispered in my ear then gave me a playful wink.

I rolled my eyes a him and nudged his shoulder with mine. "Not so bad yourself" I winked back. He laughed at me and I found myself giggling along. 

"Awh! You two are just adorable!" Julia said as her co-workers agreed with her. I blushed once more and looked up to see Natsu's cheeks had a light tint in them too. "Ooh! We just HAVE to take a picture of you both!" 

I wanted to protest, but Natsu just shrugged his shoulders and allowed her to take it. "Ladies!" Julie shouted then the women all came towards us. They started to move Natsu and I into 'lovey-dovey' poses as Julie called them. I feel like a doll!

"Perfect!" she shouts and they all back away. Natsu and I are staring at each other. Our faces are close together like we are about to kiss. His arms are around my waist and my hand is on his cheek whilst the other rested on his neck.

I saw a flash in the corner of my eyes and faintly heard Julie saying we could move, but it's like I can't. I feel like I'm glued to the floor. Stuck staring into Natsu's onyx eyes...

"IT'S NATSU DRAGNEEL!" suddenly Natsu and I jump apart. He looks out the windows of the wedding shop alarmed. 

"Sh*t" he groaned then turned to me, "Luce get changed quick" I nod and run into my changing room. After getting ready I waited outside the little room waiting for Natsu, then Julie walked up to me.

"Here you go sweetie, have this copy of your picture" She then handed me an envelope.

"Thank you-" Natsu came in.

"Lucy we got to go now! Thank you lady, goodbye!" he shouts as we run out the store. I gripped the envelope tightly as Natsu runs with me through the backstreets.

"Natsu, what's going on?" I ask highly confused.

"Well..." he begins while looking around the corner cautiously. 

"HE'S HERE!" A screaming teenager called it whilst pointing at Natsu. She started to run towards us as my eyes widened. Behind her a bunch of random teens came from around the corner. Oh dear God help!

"Run!" Natsu shouted to me and started to take off. Not wasting another second I followed him into the main streets. "To the hotel" he yells from behind him.

"Okay!" I yell back.

It wasn't long until we were in front of the hotel, rushing to get through the doors. We both continued to run down the halls until we reached my room, I quickly opened the door and we both piled in.

I collapsed to the floor panting heavily as Natsu leaned up against the wall. "W-what the h-hell just happened?" I panted to him.

He was bent over his knee, still trying to regain his breath from running so fast and for so long. "Sorry Luce" was all he said.

It took awhile for us to catch our breaths and just as I was about to ask again my stomach rumbled. I groaned and stood up. "I'm going to make food, then you're going to tell me why a bunch of teenagers just ambushed us!" I told Natsu.

"Deal" he said as his stomach growled in hunger. Guess I'm not the only one who is hungry. I look through my cupboards and finally found a pack of noodles. I quickly made them, enough for Natsu and I and as soon as they were ready we both started to eat away.

"Sooo... Where do I begin?" Natsu asks after we finish our food.

"Well, telling me who they were, that would help" I tell him, sarcasm lacing my tone.

"They, were my fans" Fans? Why does he have fans?

"Fans?" I ask confused.

"Do you remember our first encounter when I asked if you knew who I am, and all that then when I said I was Natsu Dragneel you thought nothing of it..."

"Yes..." I say unsure of where this was going.

"Well, the reason I was so shocked that you didn't know who I was, was because, well, I'm famous" he shrugged.

I snorted at him then rolled my eyes. "Yeah, and I'm Batman" I laughed a little at myself. Sad, I know.

"Luce, I'm serious" he tells me. 

I wipe the smile off my face and look him dead in the eye. "So am I" However, it wasn't long before I busted out laughing again...

"Lucy~" he whined, getting annoyed. He then froze.

I looked at him confused and slightly worried "Okay, what the hell is wrong with you, because it looks like you're trying to have a sh*t" I tell him.

Natsu finally straightens up "I was thinking!" he defended himself. Instead of letting me reply he spoke again, stopping the rude comment which was about to come out of my mouth. "If you haven't heard about this, then you've been living under a rock, but-" he muttered whilst taking  a deep breath.

"You ever heard of Lisanna Stratus? The one who cheated on her boyfriend? Well, I was her boyfriend. I'm the Natsu Dragneel she cheated on" 

Lisanna... Stratus... Cheated... 


I couldn't stop the tears that started to flow next.


Thank you for reading! Turns out Natsu and Lucy are more connected than they thought... Next update will be either Thursday or Friday, have a great Christmas!

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