-15- Is it possible for your heart to break twice?

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I sat down a chair facing the mirror as my friends panic and shout around me. Natsu rang me earlier and told me he was taking me out at seven, it was currently half five. I'm in a shower robe, since I had to have another shower after the jog I went on.

"Erza and Levy pick out the clothes whilst Juvia and Mira does Lucy's makeup" Juvia says making everyone less panicked. 

"Right!" Then everyone got to work. 

I wasn't sure what kind of look they were going for, but from the pallets I saw, I'm guessing it's a natural look. It took a full hour to finish my makeup, as Mira and Juvia pulled away the smiled in satisfaction.

"Outfit time!" Erza shouts and she drags me to the closet not leaving me any time to look at my makeup. "So, because I love you, I've decided you can wear one of my newest designs!" Erza smiles at me.

I grin excitedly. I always love wearing and trying Erza's new clothing. They're always amazing! Then, Levy comes out holding a jaw-dropping dress. It was black and had golden edges. The side had a slit going down from where my waist would be and a golden sash. (Loke's star dress form)

"It's beautiful Erza" I gasp as Levy hands it to me.

Erza grins proudly "One of my newest. Not even out yet. Now, go put it on!" She giggles excited then pushes me into the closet alone.

I put the dress on quickly and got out the closet. All my friends where sat on the sofa laughing and giggling about something. I slowly walked over to them. One by one they all looked my way.

"Oh" Erza began.

"My" Mira continued.

"Goodness" Levy finished.

"Eeeeek!" Juvia squealed.

"Do I look alright?" I asked feeling nervous.

"Alright? Do you look alright? No! You look amazing!" Mira gasped.

"Who even are you?!" Levy sighed in amazement.

"Can I look at myself now?" I asked feeling impatient.

"Yes! Come on Lucy, Juvia will take you to the mirror!" Juvia then led me to another room.

She covered my eyes. "3. 2. 1." She removed her hands and immediately I gasped. Who? What? How? 

"Woah" I mutter as I look at myself. I was correct, my makeup was natural, although I could see the tints of gold in there. The dress hugged my perfectly, making my figure look outstanding. The dress knew exactly where to go and where not.

"You like?" Erza asked.

"Like? No! Love!" I squealed then jumped on all my girls. I gave them tight hugs. "Thanks everyone" I sigh.

UNEXPECTED COINCIDENCE -COMPLETED-Where stories live. Discover now