-27- It's my family...

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I danced around my apartment and hummed in tune to the song. I'm unsure why, but today my mood was excellent. I had a feeling something good was going to happen.

"Lucy!" Natsu shouted from behind my door as he banged on it.

I gasped "I forgot you was coming Natsu!" I quickly open the door and let him in. He was soaking, the reason I'm unaware of since it's a perfectly sunny day.

"Uhm... Why are you wet?" 

"Kids" He mumbled as he walked in. "Stupid kids and water fight!" he growled.

"Well... Do you want a shower?"

"Yes please" He sighed. He already knew where my bathroom was so he went to shower.

"Kids and water fights, huh?" I talk to myself.

I close my door and go to sit on the couch/sofa. I click through the channels then stop on the news. It was on a break so I decided to make some coffee.

When I got back, the channel was on. I sipped my coffee whilst listening. I heard the shower turn off in the background. "Welcome back!" The host cheered enthusiastically. "The next big story we're going to talk about is Loving Lily's cast!" This perked my interest.

"Natsu! Look! We're on TV!" I yelled into the other room.

"In a minute!" He called back as I turned my head to the television once more.

"Sting and his girlfriend Yukino went to the premiere together, how cute! As did Rogue and his mistress Kagura!" I made an 'awe' sound as it showed pictures of the couples.

"Next up is Lucy Heartfilia and Natsu Dragneel. Relationship status is unknown so far, but fans are going crazy over the two!" My mouth drops in surprise. "The two went to the premiere together, wearing matching outfits! How adorable!"

"What's all this about?" Natsu asked besides me. I jumped startled since I hadn't noticed him there.

"Not sure" I answer while trying to calm my heartbeat.

"Not only were they seen at the premiere together, but they have been seen all over California and even Magnolia, in Japan, together! Are these two a secret couple? Or just friends? Find out more in tomorrows catch up of the news" The air went off and we were left shocked.

"People think we're dating?" I asked after five minutes of silence.

"It appears so..." Natsu spoke, his voice showing his shock. Just before I could respond his phone rang. "Hello?" He asked when his ear hit the phone.

It was silent until he answered. "What?!" He sounded shocked/ worried. "Okay..." he looked at me and I gave him a questioning look. "Wait! No she's no-" He stopped talking. "Fine, bye, see you soon" Natsu groaned then ended the call.

"What's wrong?" I ask placing a hand on his arm and moving closer. 

"It's my family... they want to meet you..." My mouth hangs open.

"What?! Why?!" my heart accelerated.

"They're convinced you're my girlfriend, and they're a little angry I haven't told them about you" He explained while rubbing a hand over his eyes.

"But I'm not your girlfriend..." my eyes widened and I hoped he didn't notice the disappointment in my voice.

"They don't seem to understand that" We both sigh.

"So what now?" I ask.

"You don't have to meet them if you don't want to Luce"

I shook my head and smiled. "I don't mind, you met my father, now I'll meet yours. Hopefully he's nicer than mine" I mumbled the last part.

He looked at me with a sad smile and hugged me. "Don't worry, they'll all love you." I smile back at him and lean into his side.

"I'm still nervous" I tell him honestly.

"Don't be, I'll still be your best friend no matter what" He grinned.


Did I just get friend zoned?

"Of course" I gave a small smile back. Wow, he really was dense.

"Oh! And Luce, don't be shy. They would prefer it if you was comfortable with them" I nod. Don't be shy. That won't be too hard, I've gained lots of confidence after doing the movie.

"You have a sister right? What's her name?" I remember him talking about her faintly.

"Wendy, she's in high school. She's wants to be a doctor, so ask about that. She'll surely appreciate it" I nod.

"And your mothers name. Oh! And dads" I ask.

"Grandina and Igneel. My mum's a nurse, which is where Wendy gets it off, and my dad has his own company" 

"Cool" I grin, it won't be too bad.

"Good! By the way, we're going tomorrow"

TOMORROW?! I'm so dead!

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