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A few days later and Natsu and I are back to normal. We were hanging out once again, the only thing different was that Mira and Laxus was a thing now! It wasn't suck a huge shock when they came to us the morning after clubbing announcing that they were finally together.

Our vacation is almost ending, as is Natsu's. We found out they don't live too far away from us in California, so we can visit them whenever we want. Amazing!

I'm currently on my way to Natsu's hotel room. We decided to have a movie day since everyone else is busy with their lover. As I'm walking I catch a glimpse of an adorable couple nearby. The women was on her , boyfriend I'm guessing, back.

"No" She giggled. "Put me down you big oaf" she squealed kicking around. The man just chuckled at her and span around making her scream a little. I felt a pang of jealousy in my chest. I wanted that... someone I could mess around with, a boyfriend.

"Bickslow stop!" She gasped out. My heart began thumping in my chest as the faces of the women and man became more clearer. It was Bickslow, and the, oh so famous, Lisanna. 

My mouth dries up and I begin to speed walk down the halls, praying they didn't see me. Just when I thought I was in the clear I felt someone fall into my back. "I'm so sorry!" The person says before getting up.

I slowly open my eyes and look at the women. Of course! It's Lisanna! She had her hand out offering it to me. I looked at it before getting up by myself. She looked taken back by my rudeness.

Then Bickslow ran up to her. "Lis! You alright? Sorry! I didn't mean to-" He stopped talking when he looked at me.

I swallowed hard and spun around, planning to make a quick escape. "Lucy!" I hear him shout me name and freeze. The Lisanna girl gasps as she hears my name coming from his mouth. Slowly, I turned to face them.

"Yes" I ask, my voice barely above a whisper. They both exchanged looks before walking over to me.

"Hi, I don't think we've met yet, I'm Lisanna" She said to me, holding a small smile and her hand out.

I took her hand cautiously and shook it, before plastering on a fake smile. "Lucy, nice to meet you" We broke hold and I look between them, waiting for someone to speak up.

"This is my girlfriend, Lisanna..." Bickslow finally said. Wow, really? I had no idea! NOTE THE SARCASM!

"Okay... I'm gonna go now..." I started to walk away.

"Lucy wait!" Lisanna shouts as she runs up to me. "I'm sorry!" she says in a rush bowing slightly.

"What?" If my voice didn't show it, my face showed the confusion I was feeling right now.

"I'm sorry for what I did to you. I hurt you... Twice actually, and I didn't even care. I do now though! Although the damage has been done, I hurt you so bad- emotionally wise- and it was an unfair thing of me to do" She says. To say I was shocked was an understatement.

"I... Uhm..." I was speechless. I was expecting her to have a go at me or call me something horrid.

"I really am sorry! And I know I don't deserve it, but I'd love it if we could start again... I'm not asking you to forget what I did, I'm just asking if we could wipe the slate clean and be friend?"

I finally snap out of my shocked state and look into her eyes, searching for any hint of mischief or any sigh that she was lying. I found none. Only saddened eyes and a truthful stare.

"I'd love us to be friends" I answered back. Her whole face lit up like a child's on Christmas.

"That you so much Lucy! I know we'll be the best of friends!" She then threw her arms around me and pulled me into a hug. I hugged back with a genuine smile.

"Lucy, I want to say sorry too" Bickslow said from behind her. I looked at him with a glare.

"It's going to take a lot more than one apology for me to forgive you" I look back at Lisanna. "Sorry, I have to go, Natsu's expecting me" 

"Oh, it's fine! We'll all have to go out soon. I want to see Mira again anyways!" Right! I forgot they were sisters. I began to walk away waving goodbye. "Oh, and have fun with Natsu!" She giggled.

My face turned bright red and I thanked the heavens that I was facing the other way. How did she now about Natsu and I!?







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