-16- Sister reunion!

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Mirajane's POV

"Lucy!" I and the other shout as she fell to the floor crying.

"What's wrong with me?" Is what she said. Her voice cracking and the tears flooding her face taking her makeup off. My heart hurt from seeing this sight of my friend.

I run by her side and hug her. "What happened?" I asked her super worried.

"Why does everyone leave me for her? Why her? Why is it never me?" She spat out harshly before another load of tears fell down again.

"Lu, what happened?" Levy asked her.

"Natsu cancelled our date... However, that's not my problem though..." She mumbled under the fountain of tears.

"What's the problem then?" Juvia asked confused just as the rest of us.

"He cancelled on me, for-for Lisanna!" her voice broke once more as tears streamed down. "First Bickslow, then Natsu! Who next? I give up!" she screams.

Lisanna! She's here? With Natsu?!

I stand and slowly walk to the door. Right now all I feel is anger. How dare she hurt my friend, not once but twice! "Mira?" I heard my name being called but right now I'm too focused, I'm on a mission.

I walk straight out of the apartment and to Natsu's room. Laxus is in the room next door so that's how I know where he is. Without hesitation I begin banging harshly on the door, causing even Laxus to come outside.

"Mirajane, what're you doing?" He asked but I didn't reply, I just waited for this door to open.

"LISANNA!" I scream through the door and I begin banging on it again.

"Mirajane, Lisanna isn't here, why would she be? Natsu hates h-" Laxus stopped when the door opened revealing Lisanna.

"What do you want?!" She growled as soon as the door opened. She hasn't looked up at me yet but I can already see she's changed. Her long hair was now cut to a bowl shape and she was taller.

"Look at your big sister Lisanna!" I growl back just as furious. I hear her gasp and her head snaps up. I also saw Laxus shocked in the corner of my eye.

"M-Mira?" She stuttered out nervously.

"What's going on?" Natsu finally came to the door too. I looked at him and gave him the dirtiest glare I could muster up.

"I'll sort YOU out later" I glare into his eyes. He looked shocked to see me here at first but later covered it up.

"If this is about Lucy I'll talk to her later, I'm busy right now" He said with a blank expression.

"She doesn't want to talk to you, not now, not ever!" I snarl at him. "You know, she wouldn't have been bothered with you cancelling on her... It's just that, the person you cancelled on her for, well, you should know why that's not alright" 

I see him flinch slightly at my words as Laxus' mouth hangs open. "You cancelled on Lucy?! And for her?!" He shouts at Natsu.

"Her is right here!" Lisanna snapped at him.

"Mira I think you should go" Natsu speaks again, I look up at him. He has his head hung low and he wouldn't make eye contact.

"Ye, Mira it's for the best" Lisanna joins in. I just glare at her.

"Fine, but I want to ask you something first Lisanna. Are you happy? Are you satisfied knowing that MY friend is suffering because of you? You steal her first boyfriend, Bickslow, now you're going for the other guy she's ever like!" I saw Natsu's eyes widen but I'm not bothered with him anymore. I also see Laxus dragging him away, probably to talk to him.

"Bickslow? Oh, I remember his girlfriend, well at least I heard about her. Bickslow told me ALL about her, what's her name again... Luna? Luigi... Lucy! He told me that he was just using Lucy as a toy so I allowed him to have her for awhile, but eventually she got in the way. Bickslow wouldn't end things between them, so I sabotaged their relationship" Lisanna shrugged as if it was no big deal.

"Sabotaged how?!" 

"I made a picture of Bickslow and I go viral, then I planted it so she could see." 

I rolled in eyes in disgust. "You are a horrible person!" I glare at her. 

"So what! Life's hard, and if I have to step on a few toes to get my own way, I will!" She snapped.

"Mum and Dad should've sent you away for longer, maybe then you would've learnt a bit about respect." I stepped up to her. I saw her frown a little and flinch slightly but she quickly covered it up.

"Maybe they should've sent me away for ever! Then I wouldn't have had to see you again!" she screams at me.

"Maybe they should've just locked you up! You're insane! The reason why Elfman is-" I stop myself from finishing my sentence.

"Go on, finish your sentence Mira! SAY IT!" She screamed at me.

"You're the reason my little brother's in a coma!"

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