-12- NaMi vs LaLu

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My eyes widen as I stare at the people surrounding me. Masks. That's all I can see. Colourful. Dull. Bright. Dark. All different types of masks with faces on them. "W-who are you?" I manage to squeak out.

I admit, I'm frightened. It's not everyday you're surrounded by people wearing masks shouting your name! "NATSU!" I scream hoping he can hear me.

"LUCE?!" I heard him shout from somewhere behind the people surrounding me. "Hey! Move away from her!" He shouts at one of the people. They were wearing a blue mask with, I think, ice patterns.

Natsu grabs the person and lefts them up by their shirt. "Hey! Get off me!" The person cries out. Wait a minute... I know that voice!

"Gray?" I ask.

The man looked at me. "Dammit!" Someone from under another mask sighed. Wait, was that...

"Levy?" I ask.

Everyone removes their mask. It was Levy, Gray, Erza, Jellal, Juvia and Gajeel. "What? What are you all doing here?" I ask highly confused.

"You know these people Luce?" Natsu asks just as confused.

"Yes, she does! Now let go of me hot-head!" Gray answers for me while pushing Natsu off him.

"Who're you calling a hot-head, Freezer?" Natsu fires back.

"Why you-!" They were stopped by Erza.

"Both of you, STOP. IT.!" It only took one look at her glare which caused them to shut up.

"Lu!" Levy smiled and she ran to give me a hug, as did Juvia. 

"Hey guys!" I smiled and hug them back.

"Where's Mira? Why isn't she with Lucy? Juvia wants to see her too!" Juvia asks.

"Mira, oh she-" I was rudely interrupted by Natsu.

"Woah! She speaks in third person!?" He asks astonished. If I wasn't annoyed I'd laugh at his face.

"Yes she does, got a problem with that?" Gray asks Natsu, whilst glaring. 

"No, you got  a problem with me?!" Natsu glares back at Gray.

"Wow, the stripper found someone else to torment!" Gajeel chuckles.

"Don't you get involved metal head" Jellal groans.

"Hey-" The boys' bickering was stopped, once again, by Erza.

"STOP. ARGUING!" She yells. They all immediately stop and line up with their arms around each other. 

UNEXPECTED COINCIDENCE -COMPLETED-Where stories live. Discover now