-33- Roller skating!

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He grabbed my hands and started to skate with me. His body faced me, skating backwards as he helped me glide over the floor. I felt amazing... NOT HOLDING HANDS WITH HIM! Although that felt great too.

He let go of one hand and skated next to me, holding the other. It wasn't long until we went faster. Slowly, he let go of my hand, it wasn't until I looked next to me and saw he wasn't there that I realised I was doing it on my own.

"I'm doing it!" I shouted causing some people around us to stare. "I'm skating Natsu!" I look back to see him smiling proudly at me.

"Well done Luce" He came up besides me again. I grinned at him. 

"Can I try faster?" I ask him, he nodded and sped up. I followed him as he weaved through the people, gliding carefree.

I felt free. I felt amazing. I love skating! Especially with Natsu...

"Luce, watch this!" Natsu said then, he leaned forward and lifted a leg up so we was balancing.

"Woah" I breathed out watching him impressed. "Where'd you learn to skate?" I ask him.

"I learnt for a movie I was in before, but since I enjoyed it so much I made Laxus take lessons with me" I laughed, Laxus skating?

"Lucy" Natsu was suddenly in front of me. 

"Yes Natsu?"

"Can I try something?" I didn't answer, but instead nodded. Next thing I know, Natsu and his hands around my waist and was slowly lifting me up.

"Natsu I'm too fat!" I gasp as I realised what he was trying to do.

"No!" His grip tightened. "You're not fat Lucy! You're just perfect" my heart stuttered and I felt myself smiling slightly.

"Thank you Natsu" I whisper to him.

Next, he picks me up and balances me on his shoulder. I smile and feel myself  stretch out. He begins to skate and I see people stop and gather around, watching us.

"You ready?" He asks.

"Yes" I say. I stretch out a little more my arms in front of me and my legs behind. Then, Natsu takes me off his shoulder and lifts me higher up.

I heard people gasp and clap, as they watched our aerial. Soon, Natsu slowly lifted me down and set my in front of him once more. "That was amazing!" A man exclaimed coming up to us, a women by his side.

"Thanks!" Natsu grinned.

"You two are just adorable! You a couple?" The women asked.

Natsu and I looked at each other laughing. "No, no, we're best friends" I say.

"Best friends?" The man asked. 

"Oh, I remember when you and I were just best friends Jack. Now look at us, married with two kids" The women laughed.

I blushed and thought about Natsu and I getting married, then even having children! "Best of luck kids" The man, known as Jack, winked at us then he and his wife left.

"Imagine that Luce" Natsu chuckled then hugged me from behind. "Us getting married then having children, that'd be a sight" He rested his head on my shoulder. I felt my whole face heat up.

Natsu and I... Family? Is that what he wants?!

"It would be a sight" I agreed with him, enjoying his warmth.

"Move along love birds! You're blocking the path!" A worker came up to us. 

"Sorry" We said together, then began to skate again.

We stayed on for another two hours, but it only felt like ten minutes. I think skating will be my new hobby!

"I love skating!" I sighed as Natsu and I left the building.

"We can go again sometime?" He suggested and I nodded furiously. As we walked around, since Atlas wasn't here yet, I noticed lots of decorations up everywhere.

"What's with all these decorations?" I ask confused. Natsu looked at me with wide eyes.

"What'd mean?! Have you forgotten already?!" Forgotten? Forgotten what? He rolled his eyes  at me, "Jeez Luce, and I'd thought you would've remembered the most important time of year"

I stared at him still confused. "Is it you're birthday?... Wait, no, you're birthday's on the seventh of July..."

"Woah, you remembered?!" He asked astonished.

"Well duh" I roll my eyes.

"Cool! I remembered yours too, the first" I smile.

"Will you tell me what's happening now? I have no idea!" I groan in frustration.

He grinned excitedly. "IT'S THE FIRST OF DECEMBER!"

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