-17- I'm sorry

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Mirajane's POV

Lisanna and I stood still facing each other. Our faces stained with tears and our breathing a ragged mess. It had been eleven years since we last saw each other, and this is our reunion...

"What happened to us Mira?"  Lisanna panted.

I sighed and looked down. "You know exactly what happened. You was a reckless teen, but you pushed it too far over the edge..." Silence developed around us until I heard a sob come from her.

I look up to see her crying hard. Her head in her hand and her eyes shut tightly. "I didn't do it on purpose! It wasn't supposed to happen like that... He wasn't supposed to get hurt!" 

I close my eyes and take deep breaths. Somehow during the short time my eyes were closed, my mind had wandered back to that day. 

"You and Elfman were out in the forest." I hear her breathing hitch and her sobs quietened down. "I couldn't be bothered running with you that day, so I just walked behind. You both ran to the cliff, it was a race. I laughed as I saw you pouting because you lost. 

Elfman began to tease you, and you got angry. You started yelling about how it wasn't fair that he always won at everything you two did. You got jealous. I noticed something wasn't right, and so I ran over to you two" My voice started cracking because I knew what part was coming up next.

"Your beautiful long hair had never looked as creepy as it did that day, the horrid look in your eyes is something I'll never forget" I open my eyes and look at her as she chocked on her tears. "You pushed him, whether it was it of anger or jealousy, you push Elfman... and he fell straight off the cliff"

Lisanna started crying again. I still remember that say as clear as crystal. It was a miracle when we found out he survived. Only, he never woke up again.

"I was jealous and angry, but I never meant to hurt him like I did! You don't think I regret it everyday? That I don't have the killing guilt always on me?! It's hard for me, knowing I did that to my big brother! It's hard knowing I'm a... a monster!" That's when I realised what I had done.

My little sister had serious problems, and instead of helping her I pushed her away. I made it worse for her. So, then, I did something she didn't expect. I hugged her. She froze in my grip but soon melted in it and hugged back. "I'm sorry" I whisper to her as she cried on my shoulder.

"I'm sorry too!" She cried harder. I saw Natsu behind her standing with Laxus. Laxus looked at me worriedly once he noticed my tear stained cheeks and puffy red eyes. 

"Mira..." Natsu spoke to me once Lisanna and I had calmed down.

"Yes?" I asked, no longer angry, but very tired.

"Where's Lucy?" he asked.

"She should be back in her hotel room, although I'm not too sure..." I tell him, he nodded then started to walk to her hotel room.

"Natsu, wait!" Lisanna shouted making him stop in his tracks.

"What?" His voice was cold unlike how he spoke to me.

"I came to, to say sorry. Sorry for doing what I did, and since you're seeing Lucy, please could you ask her if she'd talk to me. I'd like to apologise personally to her..." I smile proud of Lisanna that she was already turning her ways around.

"Sure" Then he disappeared for real this time.

"Are you alright Mira?" Laxus asked coming up to me.

"I'm feeling a lot better now" I smile at him.

Lisanna looked between Laxus and I before making up an excuse of saying she had to go back to her room. She gave me the room number so I could visit her later, preferably with Lucy she said.

As soon as she left someone grabbed by arm and pulled me into a huge hug. I smiled and looked up at Laxus. His eyes were closed and he sighed. His head rested on mine so I leaned into the hug and wrapped my arms around his huge build.

"Today has been crazy" I mutter to him sleepily.

"Indeed, I'm knackered" He agreed. "hey, M-Mirajane... do you wanna stay over tonight? Since it's already late and we're both so sleepy" I giggled at him as he panicked slightly.

"Sure" I said then I pulled him inside his room with me. I closed the door behind me and ended up collapsing on his bed. "Can I borrow a top?" I asked him. Instead of answering he threw me a shirt.

I got changed in the bathroom then came out and jumped straight into bed. "I'll sleep on the couch" Laxus said, beginning to leave the bedroom.

"No, don't be silly! We're both adults here, hop in bed" I pat the space next to me. I'm surprised I'm not freaking out, sleeping with Laxus?! It's probably because I'm too tired.

He climbs into the bed next to me and shuts his eyes, I follow his lead.

"Night Laxus" I mumble.

"Night Mira" I smile. He finally called me Mira.

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