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It's two days before Christmas, everyone's Christmas present has been sorted out. Thank goodness! I sighed and sunk back into my bath. It's nice being organised. I still haven't seen Natsu, but we've been talking over the phone. We are both just too busy, so we haven't had time yet.

I've decided that today I was going to go to the Juvia's cafe shop. The girls and I were due for another meetup, we are also exchanging gifts, since we probably won't see each other over the break since they are spending time with family and their boyfriends.

I get out my bath and get changed into a Christmas jumper and blue jeans. I grab my friends' presents and set out to the cafe. I swing my arm back and forth, the bags swinging with them. it wasn't long until I saw Juvia's sign.

The cafe said closed, but I waked straight in. "She's finally here!" I hear Erza shout in happiness.

"Erza really wants to open her presents" Juvia explained rolling her eyes with a smile as we watched Erza do a mini dance.

"Great, everyone's here! Now, let's do this!" Levy squeals in excitement. 

I laugh and sit at the table with them. "By the way, where they guys at?" I ask looking around.

"You didn't know? They're having their own gift exchange!" Mira giggles.


We all get the presents out and pile them all the table. Since they're all wrapped up everyone has to find the ones with their names on. At the end, everyone had four wrapped presents in front of them. 

"Can I go first? Can I? Can I?" Erza begs. We all give her permission as she rips open her first present. In the end, she had received the easy bake- cake set, from me. Clothing materials, from Levy. Juvia's famous Strawberry cake. And finally, a suit of armour from Mira. Don't question it, she collects armour sets.

Next was Levy, she received the twilight books from me. A new classic typewriter from Mira. A new pair of cute, personalised reading glasses from Erza. And from Juvia, she got a new pair of headphone, because Juvia said "Juvia knows how bad Levy's boyfriend can't sing" To this we all laughed.

After Levy was Juvia. I gave her a Gray plushy, since she's obsessed, literally. Erza gave her a new winter coat which she had been wanting. Mira gave her a new blender for the cafe. And Levy gave her a body pillow of Gray... She probably looked like a freak buying that!

Mira was next, I bought her the makeup she wanted for her costumes. Erza had made her the costumes. Juvia had bought her a book about devils and how they act... And Levy, Levy made her a special mixture of Angel Delight. "I thought she was obsessed with angels, not devils!" was her excuse.

Finally, I opened my presents. The first was from Erza, she gave me a 'couples' outfit...

Next was Levy, she gave me a book on 'how to get a boyfriend'!

Then Juvia, she made me a cake... Saying ' CONGRATS ON YOU'RE LONELY LOVE-LIFE!'!

I groan and look at the last one. The last, but not least, was from Mira. "This better not be about me being single!" I warn her. She giggles but says nothing.

I opened the present and gasped as I saw a souvenir from Magnolia. "I know it's hard being away from home... So, that's why I thought you'd like this" I smile gratefully at Mira.

"Thank you... and that's also for not rubbing in that I'm single." She laughs along with the others. "Anyway, since you're all going to see your boyfriends on Christmas, give them these, K?" I ask then hand out the other present.

"Alright Lucy, oh, and pass these to Natsu, K?" Levy smirked as everyone handed me Natsu's presents.

"WHAT?! But I'm not going to see... him... Wait, actually I am. Okay, I'll pass them on" I put all the presents into the bag and look at the time. 

"Oh gosh! Is it that late already?! I've got to go! I need to give Yukino her present!" I wave goodbye to everyone as they did with me.

After I've given Yukino her present I can go home and rest! As I'm running  I think about what Christmas is going to be like. I'm going to be alone again... 

But this year is going to seem even lonelier than usual... 

Because I won't be with Natsu

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