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My heart stops. I slowly turn around to the door. My heart began to pound widely as my breathing became ragged. Tears stormed my eyes and I threw my hand over my mouth. A sob came from me as I stared at him.

"You gonna stare at me all day? Or are you gonna come here and give me a hug, Luce?" I stood from the couch and began to take small steps towards him, my legs shaking wildly.

"I'm scared... I don't want you to be an illusion. I don't want to hug you and watch you disappear" I cry reaching out but not touching him.

Slowly, he began to take steps forward. His military outfit looked amazing on him. His hair was done up nicely, he looked so professional. "I'm no illusion... I'm the real thing" He whispered to me, closing to gap between him and my hand.

My hand brushed over his clothing and he was still there. Not an hallucination...

"NATSU!" I shout as I launch myself onto him. He barely caught me in time, but just managed as I secured him in a bone crushing hug. "I missed you so much!" I cried onto his shoulder.

His strong arms hold me in a hug just as strong. His face went to the crook of my neck. "I missed you too" I began to cry. I couldn't believe this was happening! After all this time, it didn't even feel real anymore.

I pull away and place both hands on his cheeks. My legs are wrapped around his waist as I stare deeply into his eyes. "You are never leaving me again!" I say, my voice weak and sore from crying.

"Never" He whispered back before crashing his lips onto mine.

Oh, how I missed this feeling. The feeling of his soft lips moving in time with mine. His beautiful face and smooth skin pressed against mine. Our mouths moved in sync as he grazed my bottom lip with his tongue.

I denied him at first, just allowing my lips to be mushed against his. His magical lips, sending sparks throughout my whole body. His warm hands on my bottom, holding me up. He nibbled my lip, asking for entrance again.

I parted my lips and he viciously plunged his tongue into my mouth. I smile at the feeling. Our kiss became harder and more rough as I gripped him tightly, afraid he was going to suddenly disappear again. Fireworks exploded through me everywhere he touched.

It felt like I was on fire, and yet, the warmth was something I could never be afraid of. This fire was good, a nice fire. His fire was like my oxygen.

Unfortunately, we had to pull away due to the real oxygen slipping away fast. Hot tears steamed down both of our faces. "I'm never going away again! I can never leave again, it's too painful" Natsu cried.

I cried with him. It was slightly shocking seeing him cry, but it was amazing to know I meant as much to him as he did with me. "I won't let you leave me" I tell him.

"I never want to" He admits, we lean our foreheads together. "I love you, so, so, so much Luce" He whispers, looking into my eyes.

"And I love you, so, so, so much Natsu" I whisper back, with just as much emotion.

We pull away and he puts me down. I wipe away the ears that had fallen and take a deep breath. I couldn't believe it, he's really here.

"Luce" Natsu said, I turned to him once more, "Do you remember the promise I made you when I left" I nodded. He promised he'd come back.

"Do you remember what we agreed on before I left" His voice was just above a whisper as he stepped closer to me. I nod again.

Instead of coming closer he slowly began to go down. I gasped as I watched him kneel on one knee. "Natsu" I whisper his name in shock and happiness.

"I love you so much Lucy" he held my hands in hi, warming them up with his touch. Sparks flew through me.

"I love you too..." I felt tears come down my cheeks again. Come on! I've just stopped!

"Lucky Lucy Heartfilia, throughout the years we started as friends. That friendship of ours turned to best friends, and eventually, love blossomed. Over the time I've been gone, it made me realise something" He paused looking at my reaction.

Tears will still flying down my face as I let out a shaky breath. "What?" I breath out.

"I never want to be without you again. I never want to leave your side, to leave your life. I want to grow old beside you, have children, get married" He chuckled, but I noticed tears running down his cheeks. 

"No one has ever made me feel the way you do" He strokes my cheek as I lean into his touch. "No one has ever loved me the way you do" He reached into his pocket and I gasp slightly.

"So, I ask you this. Will you Lucy Heartfilia, become my partner in crime, my soulmate, my wife?" I let out a silent sob, my mouth hung open.

"I'm already your partner in crime, your soulmate, and it would be a pleasure to be your wife" I give him my left hand.

Natsu grins and slips the ring onto my finger. I let more tears fall as he stood up, his body brushing against mine. His lips connected to mine and I smiled into the kiss. I have my Natsu back.

He picks me up by the waist, still kissing my lips. I wrap my legs around his waist and my arms around his neck as he takes me, probably, to the bed. I felt the soft mattress on my back as he lay me down. His body fell in between my legs, as we kissed.

We pulled away gasping for air. "I love you Lucy"

"I love you too Natsu" 

We cuddled up and he threw the covers over us. His arms wrapped around my waist, my head on his chest, our legs tangled together. I liked this- No, loved it. That was how I fell asleep, in the arms of my fiancee, oh, I love how that sounds.



The story is finished. Thanks for reading, please check out my other story!

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