-25- New couple!

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Over the past week I had received my script and started to remember my lines. While doing that I had to split my time up for modelling too. Yesterday the girls and I went out for brunch. 

Mira had told us her and Laxus is going good. Him and Natsu came home a couple of days ago, but Natsu and I had been too busy to meet up. He had to start practising for a movie he was going to be in too.

Today I'm meeting the other actor who will be leading with Sting and I. I can't wait to find out who my secret lover will be, ahaha.

I don't bother getting too dressed up and so I go in my usual everyday clothing. They're going to dress me up when I'm at the studio. I still had a little time left until I needed to be there so I decided to go for a walk.

I stroll down to the local park down the road. It was filled with little children and their parents. I loved kids, I couldn't wait to have some of my own! 

"Mummy! Daddy! Look what I found!" I saw a little black haired girl run up to her parents holding a snow globe in her hands.

"That's amazing Asuka!" Her mother smiled at her as the father out his arms around them both. My heart clenched in jealousy. 

I sighed then decided it was time to go to the studio. "Lucy! You're early for once!" Sting joked when he saw my enter the room.

"Whatever" I roll my eyes, but smile.

"When's the other actor coming?" I ask impatient to meet him.

"I'm right here" a voice said behind me. I spun around and met face to face with,

"Natsu?" My confusion turned to a smile when I realised I'd be acting with him. I ran to him and hugged him.

"Hey Luce!" He grinned down at me, hugging back.

"You didn't tell me you was going to be acting with me" I cross my arms pulling out of the hug.

He raised he hands in surrender "I didn't know!" I giggle then we both turn back to Sting.

"You two know each other?" He asks trying to catch up with us both.

"Yep!" We both say at the same time. We both look at each other then laugh.

"Wait, are you two, like... A thing?" He asks looking between us suspiciously.

"What? No!" I chuckle nervously as Natsu stays quiet.

"Uh, huh" Sting muttered unconvinced.

Just then Rogue came in. "Great, you're all here, lets try the first scene?" He asks and we all agree.

UNEXPECTED COINCIDENCE -COMPLETED-Where stories live. Discover now