-19- Friends?

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It's been a few days since I rejected Natsu, and I was hoping the ache in my heart would've settled by now, but it hasn't.

"Hey Lucy, do you want to go out with us? Everyone's decided to go clubbing tonight, you've been in all weekend, go out have some fun!" Mira shouted at me as she came into my hotel room

I shook my head and sunk back into the covers on the bed. Mira groaned then muttered "That's it!" before walking out the room. A few minuets later she entered again, only time time with Gray, Jellal and Gajeel.

What is she up to?..

"Gihe~" I heard Gajeel chuckle whilst Gray and Jellal snickered.

I quickly sat up and looked at the three. Gray had a guitar, Jellal had made his own drums using pots and pans from the kitchen, and Gajeel had a microphone.

"Oh no!" I cried as Jellal hit the first pan. Gray soon followed strumming his guitar once then finally Gajeel began to sing. Dear god, please help!

"Shooby, doo paah ahhh" as he sang, all the lads snapped their fingers whilst also playing their instruments.

"Alright! Alright I'll come!" I screech and shove everyone out my room.

"Hey we were performing!" Gray yelled as did Gajeel.

I slammed the door and slide down it. No way in hell was I going to listen to THAT torture!


The music blasted through the speakers and around the club. It was jam-packed with loads of different people.

My short black dress rose slightly causing me to quickly shove it down as I saw men looking me up and down.

"C'mon Lu, bars this way!" Levy shouted at me and tried to weave through the crowd. Old men continued to stare at me as we made our way up to the counter. I shivered in disgust.

Almost everyone else had gone dancing, except Levy, Gajeel and myself. "Two shots please" Levy asked the bartender as she showed her ID.

"One minuet" He grumbled moodily. Jeez, someone doesn't like their job. We received our shots then I sat alone as Levy dragged Gajeel to the dance floor.

Music filled the air as I watched couples all around me. Some where making-out, others were dancing- well grinding on each other. "Oh, the joys of being single" I mutter to myself.

"I know what ya mean" a voice said from beside me. I jumped startled and quickly spun around.

"Laxus?" I asked surprised. 

"The one and only" He grinned.

"What're you doing here?" I asked him, still trying to calm myself from the startle earlier.

"Well, it's a pub... For drinking" He pointed towards his beer.

"Right" I mumbled rolling my eyes at his sarcasm.

"Nah, I'm just kiddin' Mirajane invited me"

"Ooooh, and what's going on between you two then?" I wriggle my eyebrows at him.

"N-nothing!" He stuttered out then looked away.

"That's not good enough!" I growl at him. I look over at Mira and smirked. She was getting hint on by some men, and it seemed to be as if she was flirting back. "Well, I guess there IS nothing going on between you... I mean look at how she's flirting with those men" I shrugged to her direction.

Laxus' head snapped into Mira's direction faster than lightening. I watched as his jaw clench with his fists. "I'll be right back" he muttered as he began to stand up.

"Oh no, take your time" I giggled as he walked over to Mira, showing those other men that they're stepping on marked territory. He placed an arm over her shoulder and glared at them. I pretty sure I could see Mira blush.

I turned back around to my empty shot glass and sighed. Now, I'm sat at the bar, completely alone. "Well, this is boring." I say out loud.

"Indeed it is" Someone was beside me but I couldn't be bothered turning around. "Wanna dance?" They asked me.

"Why not" I sighed and got up. The person grabbed my hand and lead me into the group of couples and horny people. I finally looked up and my eyes widened but I made no sound.

He put his hands on my waist and pulled me into his chest. Next he got his head and leaned it on mine. "I'm sorry Luce" He whispered as I stood still in shock. "I know you don't want to give us a try... So, if it isn't to much." He pulled away. "Friends?" He offered me his hand.

I stared at it for awhile before sighed. I was being pathetic. Of course Natsu and I could still be friends! "Of course" I smiled and pulled him into a quick hug. We hugged for awhile, swaying in time to the music.

We pulled away when I felt a tap on my shoulder. Natsu snickered at something behind me and turned me around. To my complete shock, when I turned around I saw...

Laxus and Mira kissing! 

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