-23- I'm her husband

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Tears began to trickle down my cheek as he spoke again. "My daughter is dead, she died four years ago" I choked on a sob.

"No I didn't, I'm right here" I cry to him.

"You aren't my daughter. she died the day she betrayed me and left" He looked at me in disgust. "My daughter never disobeyed me"

I wipe away my tears and take deep breaths. I look beside me at Natsu, his face showed shock and some anger. "How could you say that?" he asked with his fists clenched.

"And who are you boy?" Father asked him.

"No! Who are you? How can you say that to your own daughter, your own flesh and blood?! What did she ever do to you?" Natsu yelled at him stepped closer and pushing me behind.

"She disobeyed me! I asked one thing of her! To marry whom I chose, yet she couldn't even do something as simple as that! She's worthless" Jude shouted back, but the last part at me.

I felt my breathing become uneven and heavy. Worthless. Worthless. Worthless.

'Lucky Lucy Heartfilia' more like 'Worthless-Crybaby Lucy Heartfilia'. A voice within my head spoke. I put my hands to my ears trying to block it out

"That isn't your choice to choose! She'll marry whomever she wishes!" Natsu screamed, his face red with fury.

"She's my daughter! I shall choose who she marries!" 

"No! You're right, she isn't your daughter. She's going to have nothing to do with you from now on!" Natsu grabs my hand and starts to pull me away. "It's alright Lucy, we're going home now" he whispers in my ear trying to calm me down.

"And who are you to decide that?" My father shouts at him just before we exit the door.

Natsu stops. He looks at me then pulls me closer to him. His arm is around my waist and our hands are conjoint. "I'm her husband" Then he walked out the room and soon the building with me in his arms.


I sat on the table playing with my food on the plate in front of me. Natsu had left awhile ago, I had told him the whole story of my father and I. I couldn't help but let my mind wonder back to what Natsu had said earlier.

"I'm her husband"  the words kept on repeating in my head. Why did he say it? Does he want it to be true? Does he consider me his wife? I groan and clutch my head. No more thinking for awhile.

"Lu!" I heard Levy shouting my name. 

"In here!" I shout back and waited for her as she stumbled into the room I was in. She looked at me, from the puffy cheeks to my fidgeting hands.

"Oh no. What's wrong Lu?" she comes and sits next to me. 

I sigh and put my head in my hands. "I went to see him today... my father'' Levy was the only other one who knew about the truth of my father and I.

"What? Why didn't you tell me? I would've gone with you!" She says rushed and wide eyed-ed.

"It's fine, you had plans, besides, Natsu went with me" I then told her the whole story of what happened.

"Oh Lucy, I'm so sorry I wasn't there" She says hugging me. "At least you had your husband" She jokes, trying to enlighten the mood. I chuckle and tried to stop my blush from rising but the traitorous warmth won.

"Lucy!" she gasps covering her mouth. I sit up startled and look around.

"What?!" I asked panicked.

She giggled then smirked at me. "You like Natsu!" 

I blushed dark red. "No I don't" I deny it shaking my head in denial.

"Do too!" Levy laughs.

"Do not!"

"Do too!"

"Do not!"


"DO TOO!" I shout but then gasp when I realised what I had said. Levy rolled around laughed her bottom off. "Hey! You Bugs bunnied me!" I whine.

"ahahaha! Lucy likes Natsu! Lucy like Natsu!" she shouted jumping up and down.

"Shut up! Someone might hear you!" I shout at her embarrassed.

"Oh right" She laughed then settled down.

"That you Levy" I say hugging her. "It feels good to have everything off my chest" 

"With all that you're holding I bet!" she points to my breasts.

"Really Levy?" I give her the 'are you serious right now?' look.

"Sorry" she chuckles.

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