-9- Continuously haunting me...

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"Lucy?!" Natsu shouted startled as the tears flew down my cheeks. 

He shook my sightly and continued to say my name but I could no longer hear. I almost forgot about Bixslow... I haven't thought about him for awhile, but now that Natsu brought up that Lisanna girl, Bixslow is the only person on my mind.

Somewhere around me I hear the door open, I think I could hear Mira's voice as she made her way over to me. I felt two warm arms wrap me up in a hug, however I felt numb inside. Maybe I was over reacting...

"What happened?" I think I heard Mira ask Natsu.

"Well, we were getting chased by my fans and Lucy wanted to know why I had fans so I to-" Natsu was cut off by Mira.

"Just get to the point Natsu, what made her cry?" Mira sounded desperate.

"I told her Lisanna was my ex and she cheated on me" 

I felt Mira stiffen beside me a little. "B-Bixslow" I cried out and then buried my head onto her shoulder.

"I think you should go Natsu..." Mira told him.

"What?! No! I'm staying until I know Luce will be alright!" he exclaimed.

"Natsu please, just go. I'll ring Laxus to tell you when Lucy is alright, but for now just go back to your hotel room for awhile" Tears still crowded my vision but I could see Natsu's figure standing up and leaving.

"It's alright Lucy, he's out of your life now. You don't need that horrible man. I've got you." Mira repeated soft words to try and calm me. Eventually, I felt my eyes getting heavy, so I closed them and let sleep take over.


I open my eyes in panic, I quickly sit up and look around me. I wasn't alone, thank goodness. Mira was lay next to me in the bed. I had woken from a nightmare, one with Bixslow in it. Although he's gone, he isn't... He's continuously haunting me.

"Lucy?" I heard Mira croak out next to me. She slowly sat up. I smiled at her, to what she returned. "Are you feeling better now?" she asked.

"Yep, thanks Mira" I hug her then get up, stretching.

"Natsu told me what happened..." she informed me. Huh, she must've spoke to him over the phone.

"It's alright." I tell her "I'm better now"

"You sure?" I nodded.

"Anyways" I smirked. "How was your date with Laxus?" I laughed as she blushed beet red.

"Fine" she squeaked out.

"Fine? That's all? Wasn't it breath-taking? Outstanding? Like a dream?" I sigh in exaggeration. "Come on Mira, give me the details!" 

"Ok, finee!" she giggled. We both sat down as she told her story of her date. By the time she had finished I had discovered that her and Laxus had a long-ass conversation about dogs! Yes, that's right, dogs! She said she found out about many other things about him too, she even found out he's allergic to mayonnaise... How strange is that?

"So... How was it?" I ask again, hoping for a better answer.

"A dream come true" she then flopped onto my bed.

I laughed "Well I'm glad you had fun" I smiled.

"Did you and Natsu do anything exciting?" She asked.

"No..." I buried my face into a pillow so she couldn't see my blush.

"Sureee" she chuckled. Then the bell rang, telling me someone was at the door. I got up and checked who it was. 

"Hey Luce!" Natsu grinned when I opened the door.

"Oh, Hi Natsu" I smiled and let him in.

"Oh, wow, is that the time?" I heard Mira fake gasp "Oh dear, well, I best be off! Goodbye Lucy and Natsu" she called out whilst going out the door.

"Uhm, ok?" I look at the closed door in confusion. Mirajane, you are a strange one.

"Hi!" I finally turn to Natsu with a smile.

"Hi..." He murmured out under his breath. Jeez, wonder what's his problem.

"So, you come to hang out?" I ask while plopping down on the hotel sofa.

"Actually... I was wondering, if you'd maybe. Well, kinda, uhm, so-" He fumbled around his words.

"Just spit it out Natsu!" I groan and hold my head from the forming headache.

"Sorry!" He raised his hands in surrender. I raise my eyebrow at him, still waiting for a proper answer. He sighed and took a breath.

"Lucy... I was wondering if we could talk about what happened earlier!.." he seemed nervous as he rushed out the words.

"Oh... Okay" I whisper, then he comes to join me on the sofa. "Well, this might be a long story" I mutter out.

"I've got time" He shrugged, kicking his feet up and shoving his arms behind his head.



Progress! This chapter was originally short, buuuut Next chapter will be a long one! Net update will be either Sunday or Monday.

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