-29- Family dinner : P2

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Natsu's POV

I didn't really need to go to the bathroom, I just wanted to know what they'd say to Lucy when I'm gone. Nothing really caught my interest until dad asked, " I'd actually like to know your relationship with our son, Natsu"

Everything was silent until Lucy began to stutter. "W-well, you see N-Natsu and I a-are just f-friends" Her voice sounded strained.

"Just friends" my mum asked. Her voice sounded challenging, it made me what to go back inside, but I wanted to know what else he'd say.

"Y-yes..." Lucy's voice seemed a little disappointed, huh, wonder why.

"You don't sound too sure of yourself there Lucy" Wendy giggled.

"Well, I... Yes, Natsu and I are just friends" I peer around the corner slightly and saw Lucy with a frown on her face and her eyebrows furrowed.

"Just friends? So you aren't using Natsu for money? Not a gold or fame digger" Mother rudely asked. I stood there mouth agape as Lucy looked mortified.

"Grandina!" Dad scolded her as Wendy looked at her lap in embarrassment.

"Sorry" she mumbled.

"No, I don't want Natsu only for his money or status if that's what you are asking. I enjoy spending time with him, he's my best friend. The best person I've ever met, I couldn't ask for anyone more caring or kind" My heart beats faster as Lucy talks about me.

She thinks that much of me?

My mum was stunned silent as my dad stared at Lucy with a smile. "You love him" Wendy noted. 

She what? No she doesn't!

Lucy stayed silent and looked at her lap. Wendy smirked as mum looked at Lucy in confusion. "Why, I don't understand."

Lucy snapped her head up and stared at my mother. "You may not know how caring your son is, how sweet and kind he is. How playful and loving he is, protective and playful. Or even how dense and stupid he can be, but I do. He's truly amazing in a way even a mother should see. I don't know much about the relationship between you and your son but from what I've seen today I can tell it's not a healthy one. Maybe if you got to know your son a little better you might understand why I... why I love him" Lucy was breathing hard from the huge lecture she had just said.

I felt a tear fall down my cheek and my chest pumped with pride and happiness. And I thought she thought a lot of me before. I laugh quietly then decide it's time I made my entrance. As I walked in Lucy was still breathing heavily.

My mother had her head hung low and she was staring at her lap as my dad stared at Lucy in wonder. "What happened here?" I ask acting completely oblivious. Lucy gasped and looked at me.

"Natsu" she breathed out, a little bit of worry on her face. 

"You're best friends awesome, that's what" Wendy answered for them all with a smirk.

I took my seat back down at the table. "I think we should leave now Natsu" Lucy whispered to me. I nodded and stood up with her. 

"Bye" I say as we walk down the halls.

"Natsu wait!" Wendy ran up to us. She jumped onto me once more and hugged me tightly. "Make sure you ring, it gets lonely without you" Then she converts my hug to Lucy. "And I hope I can see you again Lucy. I enjoy your company" 

Lucy giggled. "And I do yours Wendy" I see my dad walk up to us.

"Grandina's gone upstairs for an early night..." He said, then he looked at Lucy. "May we talk?" he asked her.

I saw her hands shake a little. "Of course" He walked her over to the other side of the room away from me.

I heard the soft mummers come from the both until laughter erupted between them. "Thank you Ig- dad!" Lucy shouted over her shoulder as she walked back to me. I raised a questioning eyebrow as she just laughed and shook her head.

"Goodbye Lucy, it was nice meeting you. Bye Natsu, make sure you come again soon! Don't be a stranger!" 

We both waved Wendy and dad bye then got into the car. "So... did you like them?" I ask her nervously.

"Like? I loved them! Your father is nice and Wendy is just adorable. Your mother... I'll work on it, but I had a great time!" she grinned.  

I sighed in relief. Looks like my dad approves as did Wendy. I'm unsure on mum just like Lucy, but like she said, we'll work on it. "Good" I smile and pull her into a hug. 

I breath in her scent. Strawberries and vanilla, my favourite. I heard her giggle beneath me and my heart melted. Oh Lucy, what are you doing with me? Is this what Love is? 

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