-10- Love doesn't exit...

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"Okay, then, I'll start from when I moved to California... That was 4 years ago."

I close my eyes and in my head I go back to the first day I moved.

"My first few days in California weren't as eventful as I'd like to say, but I recall that after a week of staying there I met Levy. My best friend now. Levy and I clashed straight away. It was amazing, we both had the same interests and even the same style.

When I asked her what she worked as, it shocked me when she said she was a reporter working for the company I had grown up to admirer. The sorcerer Weekly. I had told Levy that it had been my dream to be a model and well, she helped my dreams come true.

Not even a week later she had somehow managed to get her boss, Jason, to allow me to have a photo shoot for one of her reviews she was writing. He was a little hesitant but as soon as my first shoot finished he let me join the company! I was ecstatic!

A month went by and I was feeling better than ever. I was now use to California and I had made many new friends. My main ones were Levy, Erza, Juvia and Mirajane. We all treated each other like family.

It was now Christmas time... I was in a festive mood so we all went out partying along with my Jellal, Erza's boyfriend and Gray, Juvia's boyfriend. I hadn't expected to meet him that night, I thought it would've just been a night of fun. 

The first time I saw him I was sat at the bar. The song 'Let her go' had just started playing as he trapped my shoulder. I looked at him, his black hair and green eyes had me trapped. He offered me his hand and without hesitation I took it.

We danced all night long. Twisting and turning, swaying to the beat, until it was time to say goodbye. He seemed so sweet, so nice and caring... How wrong was I.

Before we separated we exchanged numbers. We talked for weeks, which turned to months, and eventually a year had passed. It was the next year, Christmas Eve, that's when he came to my house unexpected.

He asked me to be his girlfriend. It wasn't romantic, like you'd expect in the movies, it was just simple and plain, but I didn't mind. I liked it like that. I accepted his request and so we began dating. All was great until 6 months had passed.

Bixslow had started working away, he would go away for weeks even months. I thought nothing of it at first, but then he started acting different towards me. He would try to touch me and kiss me more often, although it wasn't nice kisses. They were sloppy and needy.

After that he would start to comment on my weight... He would say I'm fat, or a pig since I ate a lot. Then after he'd say he was joking then call me his princess or something else like that. I fell for him every time. I forgot anything bad he said and fell right under his spell.

A few years passed and this is how they all went.

It was only last week when we ended it all... Not because I was smart and realised what was happening, it was because oh her. Lisanna." I stopped talking for a moment and studied Natsu's face.

His lips were turned down in a small frown and his eyes looked dull and unhappy.  "It's alright Luce, you can continue." He reassured.

"Right, so Bixslow and I were on a date in a restaurant. A few kids in the corner were pointing over at us, well at Bixslow. I was confused, but then the kids came over. They started asking if Bixslow was with Lisanna, and why he was in there with me. I declared I was his girlfriend, but they denied it then showed me a news article.

 On the front page was Bixslow, he was kissing Lisanna. I was devastated and begged Bixslow to tell me it wasn't true... Unfortunately, but I guess in a way fortunately, he said it was true. He told me he was using me for a fuck. So then I slapped him and ran out. I was found by Gray crying in the middle of the road." 

I stared at Natsu as he processed everything I told him. "Wow" He finally gasped. He turned to me with sympathy in his eyes. "I'm sorry Luce, I had no idea that the guy Lisanna was with had a girl too..."

I gave Natsu a sad smile. "It's fine, how could've you known?" I sigh. "I should've known better, love doesn't really exist"  I then stood up.

"Don't say that!" Natsu got up with me. I looked at him confused.

"Say what?" 

"That love doesn't exist!" He frowned at me. "Just because that one guy didn't love you, it doesn't mean it doesn't exist" he defended.

"Okay then, it does exist. Just not for me" I sighed.

"Lucy" Natsu grabbed both of my arms and made me face him. "Love does exist. Everyone has love. It just depends on which guys you give it too, and which one gives back" He smiles.

I smile back "Perhaps" we stood in silence for awhile, before I start giggling, which turned to full-blown laughter.

"What?" Natsu asked, a little chuckle of his own coming up.

"I just can't believe it..." I coughed up.

"Lucy, love does ex-" I interrupt him.

"No not that!I can't believe I basically just told you my whole story, when I've only known you for a few days!" I wheeze out holding my stomach from laughing too hard.

"Oh, I guess you're right" Natsu joined in my laughing.

It's strange how life works. I've only just met Natsu, but I feel like I've known his for years, maybe that's why I trust him with my story...


So sorry I forgot to update, been really busy!

So, that's Lucy and Bixslow's backstory! Hope you enjoyed XD, next update will be later today thanks and bye!~

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