-37- Elfman?

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When our lips met it was like the whole world stopped. I didn't want to be like those cliche or cheesy girls, but I couldn't help it.

His lips were warm and soft against mine, the moved, at first, slowly and gentle. It was like we were becoming one. It felt amazing. I leaned closer to his body and wrapped my arms around his neck.

His hand which was on my face slid down and joined the other on my waist. He held me tightly like I'd disappear if he didn't. His lips began to go faster as I followed his lead. The kiss became more passionate and desperate.

Finally, we pulled away, due to being human and needing to breath. We were both breathing heavily, staring into each others eyes. His forehead resting on mine.

"Natsu?" I try to get his attention.

"Yes?" He asks, his breathing ragged.

"I love you too!" He grins and hugs me tightly. He lifts my body up and I wrap my legs around his waist. We both lean in for another quick kiss.

"Eeeek! NALU! OMG! AHHHH!" We quickly pull away and turn to the intruder. Our faces were definitely red.

"Levy! You ruined it!" Mira screamed.

"Levy!" Lisanna whined.

"Sorry!" Levy squeaked.

"Guys! Come on!" I roll my eyes and huff out.

"Girls, leave Natsu and Lucy alone! They were having a moment" Jellal said, scolding them since Erza was too drunk to do so.

"Aweeee" the groan but shut up when their boyfriends come.

Natsu and I laugh then look at each other once more. Natsu then slowly puts me down, seeming like he didn't want to. "So what now Luce?" He asks, holding my hand.

"Natsu Dragneel, will you be my boyfriend?" I smile innocently.

"It'd be my pleasure" He smiles back.

"Sorry to break the sappy moment, but the fireworks are about to start!" Cana says to us.

We both nod then run over to our friends. "'Bout time hot-head" Gray mutters when we get there.

"What'd you say ice-pop?" Natsu glares at him.

"Oh for god-sake! Don't start right now!" Jellal groaned.

"Gihe~, don't get involved" Gajeel chuckled.

"Shut it, metal head!" Gray and Natsu shouts at Gajeel.

"Wha?! Hey! Stupid Stripper and Pyro!" He says rolling up his sleeves.

"Oh no you don't, no fighting!" Jellal said getting in the middle.

"Fight? Who's fighting?" Erza slurs, tumbling over.

"You all done it now" Laxus rolls his eyes hugging Mira's side.

"You!" Erza points at Laxus, and before he could ask what she charged at him. Mira quickly jumped out the way before Erza tackled Laxus and began to fight him.

"Hey why does she get to fight?!" Natsu pouts.

"You wanna go?" Gray yells.

"Oooh, I've been itching for a fight!" Gajeel licks his lips.

"FIGHT!" Cana shouts coming up to us.

Then I watched as it all unfolded. Erza beating up Laxus, Jellal trying to pull her off. Natsu and Gray punching and kicking each other. Cana and even Juvia began to cat fight, jokingly. Mira then tackled Levy pushing her to the floor, then Lisanna jumped on the two. Wakaba and Macao started to fight in the corner too.

"Oh. My. Gosh... WHAT IS GOING ON?" I scream but no one listens.

"Don't worry Lucy this is normal" Wendy chuckles coming next to me with Romeo.

"It is?" I asked strangely.

"Yep! Don't worry!" Romeo laughed with Wendy, then he smirked and put a finger over my mouth telling me to stay quite. Then, he grabbed Wendy by the waist, lifted her up and began to attack her.

"Eeek!" She squealed but laughed, then the two began to fight.

"Well, now I'm on my own" I sigh placing a hand on my head. I'm going to have a headache.

"Wow, This is so MANLY!" A new voice shouted from next to me. I gasped and jumped.

I turned around and saw a huge muscular man standing up with a little bad on his shoulder. He had white hair, like Mirajane's and Lisanna's. Then I gasped. I had only talked to Mira briefly about it and only seen a picture once, but if I wasn't wrong. 

This man right here, is their long lost brother!

"Elfman?" Everyone froze as Mira stared at the new stranger.

Then her and Lisanna broke down into a pool of tears... 

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