-5- Cocky flirts like you

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I gasped slightly as I look at the new comers. My eyes widened as I recognised the man from the plane. His salmon hair stood out clear to me as his eyes burn deep into mine. Finally breaking eye-contact I look to the man besides him, as did Mira. 

"No way..." I heard her mumble under her breath as she looked at the blonde haired with a scar running down the right side of his face. "Laxus?" she asked unsure. He turned to Mira, their eyes met and his lit up.

"Mirajane!" he then proceeded to hug her tightly. I sat shocked and looked beside me to see the salmon haired man doing the same. "It's been too long!" The man known as Laxus sighed to her as she began to pull away.

I looked at Mira with a raised eyebrow, waiting for her to explain. "Right!" she gasped "Lucy, this is Laxus, he's an old friend of mine. We were super close before I moved" Mira giggled.

"Oh, well, it's nice to meet you Laxux" then I turn to his companion "and what's your name?" I ask. I felt quite rude for still not knowing his name. The man looked at me, shocked like before then started laughing, Laxus joined in.

"Wow, I'm pretty sure that's the first person who hasn't recognised you first time seeing" Laxus said wiping away an invisible tear. Mira and I exchanged looks as we waited for his to finally state his name.

"My name, sweetheart, is Natsu... Natsu Dragneel" he then offered me his hand. I looked at his hand then back at him with a blank expression. Jeez, and I thought he was going to be a nice one.

"I'm Lucy, sweetheart" I emphasised on sweetheart, I was a bit annoyed he had called me that. Before he could open his mouth and speak I spoke up again. "And I don't like cocky, flirts like you."

I then grabbed Mira's hand and stood up. Natsu stood there with his hand still out. His face was pale in shock. Laxus besides him fell down into a huge fit of laughter. Just before Mira and I completely left the restaurant Laxus called out.

"Wait, Mirajane!" She stopped us both and looked at him. "See you soon?" he grinned.

"Of course!" Mira wave goodbye and we left to go back to our rooms. While walking I couldn't help but notice Mira's little blush on her cheeks. Ohh, I was so going to tease her later!


It's currently 1.am the next morning, and I'm tossing and turning repeatedly in my bed. Mira is sleeping next door so I'm all alone. I sigh and decide to get out of bed.

"What to do..." I muttered to myself, then decided to go for a little walk around near my old home. I shoved on some black leggings and a pink tank top, throwing a fur jacket over the top. I silently made my way down the hallways and to the front entrance/ exit.

As I step foot out into the empty streets a wave of wind passed by. I shivered slightly, even though I had a jacket on. I looked down the streets and decided to take a left, if I remember correctly, it'll lead me to a small park.

After walking for about ten minuets I sighed in relief as the park came into view. It wasn't a big park, it had two little swings, a slide and a seesaw. The park was deserted as expected at half one in the morning.

I walk closer then take a seat on the swing. The wind blew gently around me and the only sounds heard was my breathing and the squeaks of the swing, which happened every once and awhile.

Tomorrow I've decided to go home to visit my father, although my stomach is completely against it. I haven't seen him for four years, it's going to be strange seeing him again.

I still remember the last day I saw him...

"Lucy, sweetheart, we need to talk." That's how the conversation started with my father today.

"Yes father?" I ask, walking up to the chair facing his desk in the office. It was unusual for him to call me in, and it was completely absurd that he called me sweetheart.

"You're 18 now, and it's coming to that point in life where you can be wedded" He spoke. My heart began to speed up as I prayed he was not implying what I was thinking.

"Where is this going father?" I ask warily, my palms were growing clammier as more seconds passed.

"I'm saying it is the time for you to get married. To be a wife, and lucky for you I have already picked out your groom" he smiled as if nothing was the matter with what he had just told me.

"What?" I whispered barely audible. My heart pounded and tears gathered in my eyes.

"You are getting married! Isn't that wonderful! You'll be wedded to our rivals son, then we can all reunite!" he grinned happily.

My heart shattered and I stood from the chair I was sat on. "No" I mumbled.

"What?" He asked, unsure if he had heard me correctly.

"I said no! I will NOT get married for the companies sake! I will NOT be wedded to someone I don't love! I will NOT do this!" That was the first time I had raised my voice in front of my father.

He, too, stood from his chair. I stood straight as he walked around his desk and too me. I thought he was going to say something to me, yell at me. I expected him to do anything else than what he did to me.

"You WILL be married! Do not dare defy me Lucy Heartfilia!" Then he raised his hand and slapped me across the face.


So, Pinkie Pie is Natsu... Sorry Lucy and her dad don't have a good relationship! Anyways, next update will be on Friday, SIX DAYS UNTIL CHRISTMAS!

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