-38- I love you

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Elfman wasted no time and ran up to his two sister. He wasted no second and immediately wrapped his arms around them both. "CRYING IS MANLY!" He shouted as they all cried.

Crying is manly? Well, that's strange words to say when you first reunite with your family...

"I'm so sorry Elfman!" Lisanna cried, clutching his shirt. I don't know much of what happened, but I think Lisanna had a big role on why he was in a coma. He smiled down at her sadly, but reassuring.

"The hospital let me out the other week, it took awhile to find you, but I did."  Elfman hugged them tightly, it looked as if he was afraid to lose them again. 

"I missed you little brother!" Mira cried hugging him and Lisanna. She was the oldest out of them all.

I sighed and smiled at the scene in front of me. It was a Christmas miracle. My smile suddenly turned into confusion as I looked at his build. He was in a coma... HOW THE HELL IS HE SO MUSCULAR?!

The rest of that time, Mira, Lisanna and Elfman cached up, shedding tears and spending time bonding. I even got to know him too!


"Lucy?" Natsu asks. We are currently in my bed, trying to go to sleep.

"Yes Natsu?" I ask, turning to face him.

"Since we're together now, do you want to come to my house for Christmas?" He asks.

I freeze, then whisper my reply "I don't think your mother likes me very much..." 

"Lucy, I have something to confess" he says.


"I heard everything you told my parents last time we went. I didn't really go to the bathroom, I wanted to hear what they'd say to you if I wasn't there" I gape at him then glare.

"You left me all alone for that!?" 

"Anyways" he chuckled nervously, "What you said to her... about me... I honestly thought she'd hate you, but, a few days later she rang me"

"Saying what? How rude I am? Or how she wants you to stay away from me?" I began to panic.

"No, actually, the quiet opposite. She said she was sorry for how she had treated me in the past and that she wanted to start over. She said I was lucky to have someone like you in my life and I should never take you for granted" He pulled me closer and hugged me. 

"And I'll never take you for granted"

"She really said that?" I asked almost speechless.

"She did, she really likes you. So does my dad and Wendy" He chuckles. "You have all The Dragneels wrapped around your finger."

I laugh with him. "Did your parents ever meet Lisanna?" I ask once we calm down.

He didn't hesitate in his response. "To be honest, they asked to meet Lisanna, but I wouldn't let them meet her... I guess I always knew it wouldn't last long between her and I" I nod.

"Oh! One minute!" I get out of bed and run into the other room. I saw the confusion on his face before I left, but ignored it. I grabbed what I needed and came back. "I wanted happy" I grinned sheepishly.

"Happy?" He looked at the huge blue teddy in my hands. "Oh" He chuckled and moved up, giving Happy and I more room.

I stroked Happy's head and watched as Natsu pouted. "Does he have to be here? He's stealing all of your attention! I want some too" 

I giggled and hugged Happy. "Sorry Natsu, but you have been replaced."

He gaped at me then threw Happy off the bed. "HEY!" I glare at him pouting.

"Stop pouting! It's too cute!" He smirked as I turned red. I blushed harder when I heard him chuckle and buried my head in the pillow.

I felt Natsu grab my waist and pull me closer to him. "I love you Lucy" My heart began to pound crazily. I'll never get use to that.

I look up at him and smile. "I know you do" He glared at me. 


"What?" I ask innocently.

"Say it!" He demanded me.

I put a hand over my mouth and shook my head. "Fine" he smirked. I pretended not to hear him and look away. Next thing I know, I'm getting flipped over and hands are gliding up and down my sides. Natsu sits on my stomach.

"Ahhh! No! No!" I gasp as Natsu tickles me.

"Say it!" he tells me again.

"Never!" I grin but gasp again as he tickles me even faster.

I gasp for air as giggles and laughter erupt from my mouth. Seeing no other option I leaned up and kissed Natsu and the lips, distracting him from tickling me. Luckily, it works and he stops tickling me and starts to respond to my kiss.

Finally, we pull away and I yawn. "I love you Natsu" I say as I cuddle with the blankets. He grins and cuddles up with me. 

"Goodnight" He whispers.

"Goodnight" I slur as I fall into the world of dreams.

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