-31- A drunk Lucy

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I looked around my kitchen cupboards for something to drink. I'm not sure why, but I'm in the mood to get drunk. I'm bored so why not, right?

"Ah, ha!" I grin and take the bottle out of red wine. I pop the lid off and pour some into my champagne glass.

"I've been waiting for you for ages" I sigh in bliss and take a sip. The liquid slipped down my throat and I sighed once more.

Before I could taste anymore my phone rang. I groaned and answered. "Hello?"

"Lucy! Where have you been?! You've not spoken to us in ages!" I heard Mira's angry voice come from down the phone.


"On Sunday, in two days, all the girls are meeting up at Juvia's cafe, you better be there!" She warned me.

"Of course! I do miss you guys!" I exclaim.

"I miss you too! We have so much to catch up on misses!

"I know Mira, I gotta go, love ya bye!" 

"Bye Lucy, love ya" she then hung up.

 I look at my wine glass. "Now, where were we?" 


I hiccuped again and swung my hips to the loud music which filtered my house. I may have accidentally drank the whole bottle of wine...

"I DON'T CARE! I LOVE IT!" I sang along with the song throwing my hand up in the air.

"I got this feeling on a" I hiccuped "summer day when you were gone! I crashed my car into a bridge, I watched, I let it buuuuurnnn!" I hiccuped once more.

"Lucy?" I turned around to see Natsu looked at me in confusion. I grinned cheekily at his and grabbed his hands.

"Dance with meeee!" I giggled as my favourite part came on again. "I DON'T CARE, I LOVE IT! I LOVE IT! I DON'T CARE! WOOOO!" I jumped up and down, bringing Natsu with me, while also hiccuping.

"Lucy, are you drunk?" He asked looking at the empty bottle of wine on the table.

"Me drunk? Pfft! No!" I giggled even more.

"You're so drunk" He sighed and put his head in his hands.

I stopped bouncing up and down and frowned. "I'm sorry Natsu, don't be mad!" I felt tears swarm into my eyes.

He looked up at me startled. "No! Lucy, don't cry! I'm sorry don't cry" He wiped my tears away.

UNEXPECTED COINCIDENCE -COMPLETED-Where stories live. Discover now