Chapter 1- Part one- The Team

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She runs as fast as she can, jumping over fences, crossing the streets until she finally loses energy and ends up in an alleyway. She heard footsteps and she quickly goes behind a dumpster and begins to chant to "Darkness comes to me, I call the shadows and ask for protection" More footsteps come running in the ally way.

"Please make me one with the shadows and make me invisible to the mortal's eyes" She chants quicker.

A group of people raise their sword and slowly approach the dumpster "Silly girl there no way to hide from us" A woman calls out.

"Oh darkness I-"

The Dumpster is suddenly moved and a sword is pointed to her at her. "We found you! Raveeen our child! Why do you keep forsaking us and running away?"

"Leave me alone! I want nothing to do with you!" A man comes a grabs her wrist.

"Come, time to come back home," The man said. Suddenly there was screaming and the three looked to the rest of the group. A man in a costume was attacking them.

"What the hell?" The man says.

"Get rid of him I'll deal with the girl," The woman says. Raven wastes no time and pushes the woman away and runs deeper into the alley, the female chases after her.

The woman throws her sword and it cuts Rave's arm making her stop. Looking at her bleeding arm she turns around with her eyes glowing purple

"I've had enough of running!"

The woman smirks "And I of chasing"

"Azarath, Metrion, Zinthos" Raven feels her transformation and her worst fears come true as she becomes an unrecognizable creature. Her claws pierce the Woman and she can't help but to toy with the now dead woman as she starts ripping her apart bit by bit until she hears someone yell at her.

"Stop! She's dead!" and she suddenly snaps out of it and drops the woman in disgust.

She looks down and sees a boy, there's blood on his face and he wears a dark red costume with a cape that is dark yellow in the inside and black on the outside. He holds a bo staff on his right hand.

"DON'T LOOK AT ME!" she screeches and presses her body against the corner of the alley. She covers her eyes and quietly chants "Change me back oh darkness please- I killed her, I killed her" but nothing happens and fears runs through her.

"I don't see you as monster-"

"YOU DON'T KNOW ANYTHING OF ME!" She snarls. "Oh God I killed her"

He shakes his head. "No I don't But I do know that you needed help and those people were chasing you. And I'm guessing you'd need a place to stay now," he raises his arm.

"I can help you" She looks down and not knowing what else to do, she decides to take the guy's offer" Her large clawed hand grasped his tiny hand and she feels herself changing back to human. Changing until her purple eyes are at eye level with the strange guy.

He pulls her away from the shredded body and does not lets go of her hand, they passed by the other thugs that were with the Woman and they were all on the floor, bleeding, their arms twisted in odd directions. She stares back at the masked guy and sees the blood on his face again.

"Don't worry I didn't kill anyone, They are just all knocked out. If it makes you feel better, I never kill"

She frowns "and does it make you nervous that I do?"

"No it was.. self-defense and from what I see you're having a hard time controlling your powers" They're out of the alleyway and now in front of a red bike. "Here put the helmet on" He gives her a black helmet.

"B-but I don't know you and you don't know me"

"Well call me Robin and you are?"

She puts the helmet on and gets on the bike

"My name is...Raven"

And that's how I met Robin and how I gained a new friend. Robin is a superhero, He could have turned me in for killing someone or for my dangerous abilities, but he didn't care like a true superhero he saw someone who needed help and helped me.

So...How did you guys meet Robin?

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