Chapter 12- Thieving

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"I've trained you well these past weeks and I would like to see your progress in action which is why I'm letting you out"

Robin didn't dare to say anything, as he was tired from the constant beating, he just didn't want to be hurt no more.

"You will be stealing some technology for me, a thermal blaster from Wayne Tech-"

"NO!" He blurts out.

Slade cocked his head "What was that apprentice?"

Robin took a step back "I- Uh...Nothing"

Slade turned back to the screen, Here is all the information you need to know, study it and tonight you will go out and steal"

Robin grumbled, "yes sir".


Robin already knew the layout of jump city's Wayne tech building so he knew exactly where all the cameras where and where the security would patrol. He manages to steal the thermal blaster but he still managed to trip the alarm after all he still wanted to be found out. He hoped that the camera would catch him and send a notification to Bruce. He knew the man wanted nothing to do with him but maybe seeing his apprentice turn "Evil" will hurt his pride and make him come to jump...One thing he didn't think about was his friends.

They appeared on the roof and he heard Slade's command. He didn't want to do it but he to. He attacked them not saying a word as it was expected of him.

He felt his heart break every time he punched his friends, Slade only wanted a show so a show he will show him.

"AH!" Beast boy cried out as Robin caused him a sprained ankle.

"DUDE WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU?!" Beats boy yelled at him who was now attacking Raven.

He nocked her out and avoided Cyborg's cannon blast making him land on the letter A of WAYNE.

He decided he'd run now but was stopped when Starfire was hovering in front of him with a starbolt charged at him.

"I thought I told you to use that blaster! Attack now!" Robin flinched and charged the thermal blaster and pointed it at Starfire.

"Robin you are my best friend..I can not be in a world where we must fight..If you are truly evil then go ahead" she put her hand down and prepared to be hit.

Robin in shock, she should fight back "Starfire, no-" A loud screeching his ear made him cringe.

"Robin! I gave you an order! if you won't attack my probes will"

Robin's eyes widen "NO! Starfire!" He caught Starfire body.

"Please! please stop!" He cried as he held her close.

"then attack them Robin" and without hesitation, he stood up and hit Starfire with his thermal blaster. He knew it will not hurt her just stun her.

"That's my boy"


he waited until they woke up to attack again but he still shot at them purposely missing and when they cornered him he threw explosives at the WAYNE sign making the A and Y fall on them. He didn't look back to see if it landed on them but he threw himself off the building and swung away, back to Slade, he was going to end things tonight.

Robin when he goes to Slade's Hideout he went straight to him and hit straight in his metal face. He had enough of this, tonight he had almost lost his friends and he was full of rage.

"you are going to wish you hadn't done that"

"I only wish I had done this sooner" He tore that thermal blaster from his wrist and went to attack Slade again. Slade grabbed his fist and pushed him to the ground and before Robin could get up again Slade went on his knees and with his hand kept Robis head in the ground.

"I am giving you all my power, all my knowledge all for you and all you care is for your worthless little friends!" Slade let him go and he turns to the computer seeing the probes on the bodies of the Titans. "If your friends are so distracting maybe I should just get rid of them" Robin felt all his fight leave him.

"don't, I'll do whatever you say"

"good boy and from now on I'd like you to call me master"

He looked down "yes..master" Robin felt a fist land on his face making him fall to the ground.

"And if you think you'll get off easy tonight you are mistaken I'll have to punish you for your disobedience and for activating the alarm on at Wayne"

Robin raised his arms "Please...master don't-"

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