Chapter 16- Calling again

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Cyborg saw an incoming call.

"Titans! come!" Cyborg yelled.

Raven, Beast Boy, and Starfire all came into the room in a rush.

"What is it?" Beats boy asked.

"someone is calling our private phone line"

Beast boy eyes widen "Which mean it could be Robi-"

"ROBIN?" Starfire was already answering the call.

"Uh hello? is this the Titans?" Some dude's voice came through, everyone was confused.

"yes This is us, the Teen Titans, how did you get this phone number?' Cyborg asked.

Ther nervous voice said "Well I work at this arcade and when we were closing I found this crunched up napkin and I saw some writing on it when I read it I was surprised"

"What does it say?" Raven asked.

"Call the Titans, Robin was here, help escape" The guy read out loud.

"We'll be right there, what's your location?" Cyborg asked.


Cyborg read the note again "why would this be at an arcade?"

Starfire snatched it from his hand "OH HOW BLESSED! it's his writing!"

Raven crossed her arms and let her cape hide her body language. "that doesn't make sense that he said "help escape" why would he write that if he now works for Slade"

"unless he dosesn't," Cyborg said.

"I knew from begging that Robin was not evil" Starfire twirls around in happiness.

"and he's being blackmailed?" Raven suggested.

"that could be it, we should try to contact Batman again maybe the thought of blackmailing Robin into doing criminal work will spark an interest."

"But Cyborg there is still a big question not being answered, why was this at an arcade?" Beast boy asked.

"I don't know but we can think about that later after we call Batman, TO THE T CAR"


They called Batman and the person who answered shocked them.

"Robin?" Starfire asked in confusion.

"wait a minute you are not Robin" Beast boy said pointing at the imposter.

He laughed "sorry I'm Robin now and-" he looked at Starfire and send a kiss motion "Hey babe"

Cyborg waved his arms around "Look this is important we need to talk to Batman about Robin- well about our Robin"

That Robin crossed his arms and leaned back on the chair and placed his boots on the keyboard. "Listen-Teens, Robin stopped being Robin the moment he left Batman and We don't care about him anymore, he's no longer Batman's concern," The guy points at himself "I am"

"Now bye Bitches, oh and redhead, Call me whenever you are free"

The call ended and the titans felt more alone than ever. "how are we supposed to find Robin, our Robin. He's being blackmailed mostly likely with our lives." Starfire said floating to the floor defeated.

Cyborg began to scratch his chin "that's one thing we have to find out tho, how is he blackmailing him. It could be with our lives like star said and if so how? He can't always have an eye on us so how?"

"well if we think back when this all happened, that bomb and Slade goons. the one thing that was strange in all of that was that Slade's goons guns didn't hurt us" Raven said.

"OKay it's time to do a full body inspection" Cyborg said.

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