Chapter 14- Arcade 1

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He didn't know who the heck was Slade Wilson but he couldn't believe Slade had just straight up relived his identity, he had an eyepatch which he wondered how he got it-

That's not important now.

What was he planning? why reveal himself now?

"Today We aren't training, we're taking a day off"

Robin's eyes- no he wasn't Robin anymore he didn't have his mask on. Dick's eyes widen.

"What are you planning..Master?"

"we're going out, getting fresh air should do us both some good"

Now he was just bewildered, what the heck was going on?

"Get prepared in your civilian clothes and meet me at the exit" Slade got up and walked out.

Dick turned to Wintergreen who was eating his eggs as if he had not heard anything of what Slade had just said.

"What is going on?"

"Nothing child, you should just obey Slade"

Dick stood up and went straight to his room, he put on his civilian clothes, blue shirt, leather jacket, black jeans, and black converse. Things Slade had gotten for him before he was even blackmailed.

He then ran towards the exit, he wasn't going to lie he was excited. He hadn't seen the sun, the sky, breathed fresh air in a whole month.

But then he stopped and if the Titans saw him? how are they anyway? what had become of them? would they recognize him now that he wasn't Robin?-

That's when he realized.

The last time they had seen him was when he was stealing from Wayne Tech! they must think he is a criminal!.

He shook his head and tried to not think about it anymore, Slade would be mad if he was late.

When he got to the exit he was shocked to see Slade in such...Normal attire. He was wearing a black turtleneck with brown pants and shoes.

"let's go"

When they stepped out Dick quickly closed his eyes from the brightness outside. He blinked a few times until he could see properly. It was mid-afternoon and they came out of one of the wear houses near Jump city's docks. So this is where Slade's hideout was located he thought.

There was a normal looking car in front of them and suddenly Slade threw something at Dick which he caught. Dick looked at the object and it's a key.

"You drive" Dick looked at Slade again in surprised "I'm 15"

Slade crossed his arms "So? you are telling me you don't know how to drive?"

"I do" Dick got in the car and so did Slade and he started it.

"So..Master where do we go?"

"Don't call me Master anymore, it's not needed, just sir or Slade"

Dick shook his head "Okay now you are freaking me out, why are you changing-"

"Drive now Richard" Dick sighs and does what he is told and drives. He rolls down the window and puts music. He can't believe he's saying this but he felt relaxed and the wind on his face, the music made his stress disappear just for a minute.

"Stop here" And now it was back...

He parked and came out when he saw the building they were in front of he raised his eyebrow.

"An arcade?"

Slade smirked "I told you it's our day off and I thought we'd spend some time together that isn't fighting and screaming would do us good"

"Wait! Slade I'm not going in there until you explain things to me, this is a lot to take in-first you show me your face and now you are taking me to an arcade?!"

Slade's grey eye's darkened "Do you want to go back and never be let out?" He growled.

"NO! I mean, let's go inside"

when Dick looked around the arcade he realized that 99% of the games where killing games, using guns to kill, animals, zombies, vampire, aliens- etc. He crossed his arms and looked at Slade.

"I still wanted to make this day a productive day where you learn, you'll have to learn to use a gun at some point why not do it in a fun way first"

"Slade I'm not playing these stupid games, I refuse to kill anything-"

"and you aren't, it's just a game and are you really backing down from this? do you really want me to teach you the real thing right now instead of this?"

Dick knew that Slade would teach him to use a gun at some point and this was just to coax him from being more obedient when that lesson came around. He saw people around how they laughed and how teenagers were just being teenagers. He really wanted to have a taste of this freedom- he could put those morals aside for one day and just enjoy.


"Good, let's start off with some Jurassic park" He grabbed the gun from the game and placed the multiplayer button.

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