Chapter 28- New plan

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Dick and Slade stared at each other. Both after the night of that contract decided to have a serious talk and Dick had a few things to say.

"Batman's ideology is wrong" Slade never thought he'd ever hear Robin say that.

"I recognize that simply putting a criminal in jail won't be enough to stop them" Dick looked as determined as ever.

"But Your Ideology is wrong as well" Slade laid back on the couch.

"I believe that everyone deserves a second chance"

"then how do you plan to put down a criminal for good without killing them? what other option will you have if "simply putting them in jail" is not enough" Slade asked.

"I was hoping you could help me with that" Slade sighs.

He stands up and looks for a book in his library. "I- I think there is a way"

Dick stood up excitedly "Really?!"

"Well, I heard that there is a secret temple in Nepal where this organization trains their men to destroy their enemies without killing them- ah! here it is," he takes a book out "In this book, it doesn't explain their methods of teaching but how to get to their temple actually. I stole this book from a museum long ago"

"Then what are we waiting for? Let's go!"

Slade laughed "wait you just expect us to just leave like that?"

"Slade, do you respect my wishes of not killing people?" The man nodded "and do you want me to still be your apprentice?" He nodded again.

"then let's compromise! This can be it! and besides this could be a fun trip for bonding!" Dick grabbed the man's wrist and pulled and Slade let himself be pulled by the boy.

"we got to start packing now! and lucky for you, I know Nepali"

"Oh alright" It's been recently that they've gotten along with each other and Slade began to notice that it was starting to become harder to say no to the boy.

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