Chapter 17- Spanking

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He had to hand it to Slade, he was definitely trying to be good to him which made him scared, scared of him moving to Slade's side.. "the dark side".

He shook his head and looked at the Biology book in front of him. Slade was teaching him all the weak spots of the human body, where a bullet would be lethal and where a stab wound would cause the most pain.

He stared at Wintergreen who was drinking coffee and reading a book at a couch nearby.

"Richard, are you even listening to me?" Slade crossed his arms.

Ignoring him he addressed Will. "Will do you have any religious background?"

"its Mr. wintergreen to you and why are you defying me?"

Wintergreen placed his book on his lap "Well yes I do, I'm Catholic"

Dick smirked, "then you two must have completely different points of view about the world-"

"Richard enough! I demand that you go back to your reading"

"despite that he. Still. Respects. Your.-"

Slade began to walk towards Richard "There will be consequences"

"Belief," Richard turns to Slade and he stands up "I just don't get then why you can't do this with me!" Dick threw the book to the side.

"Face it! I will never be your apprentice! I choose not to kill and you are trying to teach me, why can't you respect my belief!"

"Because you are under my charge and you will do what I want YOU TO DO!" The man's eyes became cold and Dick knew that look anywhere, if he didn't shut up now he wouldn't be punished but his stubborn self refused to stop.

"I never asked to be under your charge! you blackmailed me!"

Slade raised his hand as to slap Dick, he flinched backward and closed his eyes. But Slade's hand never connected his face, he opened his eyes and saw him breathing in and out loudly.

"I'm going to have to punish you for disrespect," Slade said with a calm voice.

Dick shook his head "It's not fair that you get to chose my fate, y-you-YOU AREN'T MY FATHER"

Slade breathed in and stalked forward faster and Dick kept backing up.

"you are a criminal, a scum being who just does evil! If you think for a second that I will end up like you-you are wrong!"

"I suggest you shut your trap Richard" Dick just kept backing up "NO! YOU AREN'T MY FATHER AND EVEN IF YOU WERE YOU'D BE TERRIBLE FATHER!" Richard hits the wall and Slade places his hands on the wall beside his head making Dick feel like a trapped animal.

"I'm not your father that's correct but right now you are under my care, therefore, your guardian and whether you like it or not you will learn the things I teach you. second, you will never try to put my friendship with Mr. Wintergreen against me. Now I'll have to discipline you" Slade places a hand at the back of Dick's neck and manhandles him out of the room.

Wintergreen just sighs and grabs his book again.


Dick couldn't believe what was happening to him, Slad had just explained what he was going to do with him and no way was he going to let this man kill him with embarrassment.

Dick tried to leave is room but Slade grabbed his wristed and yanked him towards his lap. Slade with one hand got a hold of his hips so he wouldn't be able to run.

"so do you want me to give you 30 for disrespect or 20?-if you keep on moving I will make it 30" Slade threaten.

Dick stopped struggling and said nothing.

"30 then-"

"NO! sorry please, I understand now you d-don't need to do this..."

"that's not the answer I want so, then 30"

"NO! j-just do 20"

Slade said nothing and raised his hand, Dick closed his eyes and-


Slade had given him the option to come back to the biology lesson or stay at his room and Dick decided to stay in the room. The hid behind his covers, what an embarrassment he was like a child. He couldn't believe Slade had done that! who did he think he was?!

Dick shivered, If that was his new discipline idea Dick didn't know how long he would last before he caved in. He rather Slade beat him and have a reason to be mad than feeling this embarrassment that shook his very soul, he hadn't been..spanked? walloped? like that since he was 9.

Dick shook his head he would not let Slade do that to him well, he'd have to suck it up and do what he wants....does that mean Slade won?..

I THINK THE FUCK NOT! his mind screamed at him, he still had a team waiting for him out there...well he'd act nice for now but until Slade gave him a gun and tells him to shot someone then he will act out...

but for now..

he shivered again...

he'd follow his rules...

there's no way he'd be..spanked like a 9-year-old again.

(Edit: Wtf is wrong with you people LOL all the chapters around Chapters 17 and 18 don't come close to 100 views but these two do? I wonder if its because I named it Spanking and Open up, like do you guys really want to see smut ahaha jk love you all and appreciate you) 

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