Chapter 22- Relization

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Batman smirked as he watched Jason training "He's remarkable" He whispered and unlike Dick, Jason followed his orders. Batman turned to his Bat computer and as he sat down and a video call suddenly comes up.

"Deathstroke!" He hissed. How did he hack onto the bat computer? Bat wondered.

"Hello Batman..or should I say, Bruce?"

"How did he-"

"how did I know? well, a certain bird told me" Bruce's fist tighten.

"since the greatest detective hasn't bothered to look up his last protege's whereabouts you have no Idea that he has been taken" The voice of Deathstroke attracted Jason to the computer and sat to watch.

"what have you done to him?!" Bruce asked.

The man chuckled "I must say this, it's a such a shame you let that boy go because he has so much potential since you have refused to acknowledge him I have taken upon my self to take him and mold him into the perfect being as I recognize true talent." Deathstroke looked to Jason. "and you do not, I see you have downgraded"

Jason was filled with anger "Hey! watch it you Fuck"

"Now do you want to see how Richard is doing in my care?" Slade's live face time turned to a video of Dick.

That's when Alfred came downstairs just in time to see the video of Dick playing making him drop his tray of coffees "Dick?" he asked in shock.

The video seemed to be coming from a hidden camera in Slade's chest. Dick was wearing a black turtleneck, black cargo pants, and combat boots. In his hand, he held a pistol it was not loaded.

"let's see how you do this time Richard," Slade said. Richard chuckled as he loaded the gun "Just you wait this time I'll do better"

The human targets began to move.

Batman shook his head, this can't be happening, this can't be his Richard, he'd never grab a gun nor shoot it! "don't do it, don't do it" Batman whispered.

But Dick just lifted his arms and began to fire away, his face stern and his arms moved as quick as he let out his bullets.

Batman was shocked, the gunfire left echoes in the cave.

As soon as he was done Dick turned to Sade "How did I do this time?"

Dick looked...excited? how had this happened?' Batman thought.

The moving targets came forward and Slade moved to each of the targets giving a clear view to the viewers.

"this is not possible" alfred breathed.

All 10 of the targets had bullets to the center of the head. "Remarkable Richard, you are improving so quickly now let's practice with the M416"

The name of that gun made Batman's heart drop.

The praise coming from Slade made Dick beamed and he went to get the gun.

"scope or no scope?" The video was cut and it went back to Slade.

"you monster!" Batman growled "I will find you! and!-"

"and what? take Richard back? face it bruce your ego is hurt and you have to recognize that I saw something more in him than you ever did. didn't you want to move on from Richard? isn't that why you took street Rat over there? well, Bruce Finder's keepers" Deathstroke laughed "I could have kept you in the dark but I just couldn't do that without bragging about Batman's Protege being my apprentice..perhaps I have to thank you, Bruce, for letting go such a precious..child" The video cut off and the three where quiet.

Batman was on the bat computer immediately typing away, Alfred was shaking his head, "Deathstroke must have done something to him so he could be so compliant, T-there's no way he'd ever allow someone to teach him how to kill!"

"I'll find where this call was made and I will find them," Batman said.

"woah, woah woah, what are you doing? you don't need Richard anymore Bruce so why even look for him?"

Batman with all the rage he had stood up "BECAUSE I CAN NOT LET HIM BECOME A CRIMINAL" He yelled.

He sat down again "what does that speak about me as a hero? the one I had to guide is in the process of becoming a killer or already is"

"How could we have not noticed?!" Alfred said.

Jason crossed his arms "I don't see why you are caring for him now, after all, you have known he's been missing for 2 months now"

Alfred's eyes widen "YOU'VE WHAT?!"

Bruce rubs his temples "I thought his team members were just over worrying since we all know how Dick loves to disappear on people, I thought he had things under control and that he'd appear again"

Alfred not believing what he was hearing went straight to the computer and pressed the button to call the JLA.

"what are you doing?!" Bruce hissed at him.

"calling for some help after all these people would care more about Dick than you ever did"

Bruce wanted to stop him but he knew that Alfred was furious with him and he'd probably not speak to him for a while so not to further anger him let him call the Justice League.

"Now you will tell them what is going on and that you need eyes and ears everywhere! I don't care if you are "the greatest detective in the whole world" you will need as much help as you can get" Alfred started to leave the cave

"Oh and Bruce they'll do it for Richard and not for you"

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