Chapter 5- Too Brutal

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And after a rough start the team finally opened up, Starfire was being more friendly, Raven despite her gloomy personality was enjoying the group and Beast and Cyborg became best friends despite being so different. A vegan and a meat eater, and what of Robin? Well, he was nervous that the team saw some of his the darker side which they ended up seeing one night at one of the wear houses near the docks of Jump city.

"Raven! Starfire!" Cyborg called after them as they were both knocked out from the sky.

They were surrounded, men in ski-masked pointed their guns at them. Beast boy being scared turned into a mouse and hid behind cyborg. Not knowing what to do he pulled out his cannon.

"Stand back! or I'll zap you all" The men chuckled.

"come on Robin were are you? we are getting our butts kicked out here" He called through the communicator and suddenly one of the goons was pulled up to the ceiling screaming for air as a rope had been wrapped around his neck.

In came Robin and threw his Batarang to a man's eyes and ducked the bullets that came flying towards him. Cyborg in shock watched as Robin broke some thugs arms or legs, and he flinched as he heard the crunching sound of some dude's back breaking. Robin took out each one of them swiftly and painfully, and the screams of men who had their eyes gouged or their balls ripped off didn't affect him. Just as soon as this started it ended quickly.

Cyborg stood there with his mouth open, Starfire had woken up and managed to see the last guy being taken down.

"Jesus" Beast boy said as he transformed back into a human.

Starfire smiled "OH wonderous JOY, I never knew we had such a warrior in our group!"

"what did I say about working together? Beast boy you have to learn not to jump straight to the fight without informing your teammates, cyborg you have to think before actually fighting. Starfire you did fine but you have to learn to work as a team remember that means thinking about your teammates rather than just the enemy in front. Raven, don't be afraid to use your powers we've been working on that for a while and you are doing great" Robin scold.

Beastboy jumped up to him "SO! when will you teach us to fight like that?"\

"like what?"

"like you just did! you destroyed those dudes"

"I will not teach you, let's go home" Cyborg looked at Raven "so He's allowed to lecture us what to do but does not bother to realize that the way he took down these criminals is wrong?"

Raven shrugged and glided towards the exit.

Back at the Teen hideout, everyone was having Dinner.

"So are we not going to talk about it?" Raven said to Robin.

Robin sighs "I- it's nothing"

Starfire placed a hand on his hand. "I sense great disturbance within you, what is wrong Robin?"

"What I not the right way to fight. One has to put themselves above the criminal and defeat them in a manner that does not reflect their villainous way. that means taking down the enemy without brutally beating them or being on a verge of death... I know this but sometimes I get carried away when I'm in this suit"

He took a sip from his drink, He couldn't believe he was opening up to them.

"I was trained like that and I realized that every time I went out as Robin with...You know who, I found myself almost going over the edge, almost killing. So I left him so that wouldn't happen to me but I-I..don't seem to-"

Raven crossed her arms"killing or almost killing is no stranger to us, But you taught us to not be ashamed of that so you shouldn't either because like you told us before, we can improve and be better people"

Cyborg nodded "yeah better Teens"

Robin smiled, 'I guess Alfred was right having friends is good' he thought.

"Friends, I don't seem to know who this someone us is?" Starfire said.

Robin's face hardens and quickly stood up, "I'm going to bed. Good night"

Starfire blinked a few times as she watched Robin leave them.

"Did I say something wrong?"

"No star he's just not ready to talk about him" Raven cleared her plate.

"but who's him?"

"I guess you can somewhat call him Robin's father? I don't know that's what theories on the internet say" Beast boy shrugged.

Cyborg took another bite at his stake. "His name is Batman cold dude, you do not want to mess with him"

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