Chapter 40- The end

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The first thing Dick did once he got to earth was to locate his friends when he did they weren't very welcoming to Starfire.

"Robin!" Cyborg put himself in between Dick and Starfire.

"This time we're ready and won't let you be taken again!"

Dick smiled and coughed "It's Karasu- and no need to worry, Starfire is on our side again! In fact, the invasion is over!"

"That much we've noticed but why?" Raven asks.

"I convinced my father to be a better man" Starfire smiled "And if it's okay can we be friends once again?"

Beast boy ran and hugged Starfire "We knew you weren't evil thank goodness!"

Dick then looked at the bat jet landing nearby and Batman came out.

"Come with me"

Dick nodded and turned back to the Titans "Titans, I will be gone for a short while but I will be back"

Starfire smiled "And you will be our leader again?"

Dick looked sideways "Ummm I'm having second thoughts on that but I will be back that's for sure. I just need to finish some unfinished business"

Starfire flew to him and placed a kiss on his lips "Of course then we can plan when we'll have children!"

The Titans began to choke "WHAT?!"Cyborg and Beast boy yelled.

"Oh yeah I am kind of...married to Starfire and have prince like status on her planet"

Raven whistle "now that...Is moving quick"

Dick turned to Starfire and grabbed her hands "Star you know I like you and you like me but I'd like you to respect my decisions now...I know we are kind of "married" but can we just...try to be boyfriend and girlfriend? see how this works out?"

"OH...sure anything you'd like"

He kissed her cheek "Thank you, now see you soon"

Dick entered the jet and watched from the window as his friends waved goodbye to him.

As the jet moved through the sky he saw the ruined buildings, broken fire hydrants and broken roads. He watched as both Tamaran soldiers and humans worked together, this continued until he reached Gotham.

Going over Gotham Dick frowned "Never thought I'd be back" He then glanced at the emotionless Batman "And I'm not staying here for long"

Batman again said nothing. Once they reached the Batcave through a secret entrance Dick got out to met a familiar loving face.

"ALFRED!" He hugged the old butler.

The man gave him a strong hug "I thought I'd never see you again! you poor child not only kidnapped by a sycophant murdering bastard of a criminal but kidnapped and betrayed by your friend"

"Uh Alfr-"

"But say no more child I will protect you this time, you can stay here and-"


The butler looked down at him with wide eyes.

"I-It's okay.. I don't want to stay here, I rather stay with Slad-"

"Don't say that! that man is-!"

"a father to me and Starfire is a friend. I thank you for everything you've done for me but I no longer need protecting. I am strong and I can fight my own battles"

The butler still looked startled and Dick smiled "but if it makes you feel any better just know that if I'm ever in trouble I will seek your help"

Alfred sighs deeply "alright child...But I'm making you your favourite sandwich! you must be hungry"

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