Chapter 9- Part two- Slade's apprentice

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A week passed and so far his stay at Slade's hideout has been hell. Fighting in the mornings, which he always received bruises, and learning about hacking and bomb building in the afternoon. He never got a chance to really relax and as soon as he was done for the day he'd go straight to bed from exhaustion. Slade said that when he was ready he'd let him outside to go on his first mission but until then he'd mold Robin to the boy he wants.

He walked to the dining room where wintergreen had already set up breakfast. He didn't know what to think of the man, He'd try to be humorous and kind to him and he was there when he was hurt.

"It's nice that you have decided to join us this morning," Wintergreen said as he sat down.

"And Slade?"

"Here" The man came in with a newspaper in his hand. The reason why he'd been so compliant was that he was waiting for his perfect time to strike. Slade probably mocking him placed the controller in front of him and sat down.

"Morning wintergreen, thank you for the coffee-"

'how can he be so...normal' Robin thought as he grabbed his knife to cut his pancake. Robin waited until Slade placed his hand on the table.

His heart beats fast as he knew he'd try this now. He flung his knife at Slade's hand and pierces it. The man screams and Robin waste no time as he grabs the controller and runs out the room.

Slade took the knife out of his hand and smirked "I've been waiting for him to act out for a week"

"just don't kill him" Wintergreen took a sip of his coffee and watched Slade running out the room.


Robin went to the computer room, this is where he first met Slade and he went straight to were he'd thought the secret door was to the sewers.

He reached there and tried to pry it open but it doesn't budge so he took out his bo staff and tried to destroy the lock.

There was a laugh which made him freeze. "so this is what you came up with for this whole week?"

"I'll destroy the controller!"

"destroy it and you lose your friends, your choice"

Robin hesitated and that's when Slade struck. He punched the boy's face and not wasting any second to kick his ribs. Robin tried to keep up but Slade was much stronger. He grabbed his head and slammed it against the wall making him disoriented.

"Listen here boy, You are mine now and there is no escaping this"

Robin spit on him "LIke hell, I won't let you transform me into a monster"

Slade slammed his head again against the wall and leans in to whisper in his ear. "You will become what I tell you to become" He took the controller and grabbed robin's staff from the ground.

"Now It's time I show you obedience and respect" He swings the staff at Robin...

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