Chapter 20- Police Station 2

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"I know it's hard for you to talk about the situation but you can trust me, what's wrong? Slade said he's having trouble with you"

Dick sighs "I don't know anything about him..he doesn't really open up to me.."

The man narrowed his eyes "welll I shouldn't tell you everything about him he should be the one to tell you if you two want your relationship to work out. But I will give you a peek about him."

Dick was now fully interested "I know Slade because he and I were soldiers buddies we where both sent to Iraq and we fought together. He was a reckon with he was the sharpest shooter and had saved my life countless of time" Dick wasn't surprised Slade being in the army after all the man reeked of being a drill sergeant.

"but after our trip to Iraq, something must have happened at his home because he cut communications with all of his buddies...perhaps something to do with his son" Dick's eyes widen 'A SON?! Goodness, who wanted to lay with Slade like that ew' he thought as he shook his head in disgust. but it was interesting to Dick that Slade was a family man before, it somehow brought more humanness to his enemy.

Officer Ryarson clapped his hands "WELL enough chit-chat let's shoot some targets!"

Officer went and stood in front of a target "watch me kid" he held the pistol in both hands and aimed it at the human target. He fired up all his rounds and then pressed a button that brought the target closer.

"Wow, you hit all targets," Dick said in awe as he saw that he had split the rounds in two aiming for the head and chest of the target.

"hehe but missed this one" He points at one of the holes that is way off.

"Okay, now it's your turn" Dick tensed up as he was given the gun.

"now see if you are following all the safety rules"

Dick swallowed "check" 

"now both hands on the pistol and arms locked forward"

"check" The Officer placed headphones on the boy and stood behind him.

"whenever you are ready,  aim forward" Dick removed the safety and he felt his hands sweat...who would have thought he'd ever touch a gun.. if he shot the gun right now that meant he had broken Batman's first rule- well more like his second after "do not kill" but they are both connected sooo...

Dick shook his head 'Focus' he told himself. 'this shouldn't be about what he want's it's about what I want..Do I want to shoot this gun?'He thought as he looked at the target harder, the human-shaped target turned to into Batman and his eyes widen.

"You are a disgrace Robin... Never been good enough, Look at you using a gun. I've always been disappointed in you that is why...I got myself a better Robin"

Dick felt tears in his eyes but refuse to let them fall, he tightens his grip on the gun and whispers "If doing this disappoints you then I'll gladly do it over and over again because I'm tired of trying to please you and Bitch I've always wanted to be a cop anyways"

He presses the trigger and lets the bullets go.


Yes, I'm updating on Christmas don't worry I do have a life and lol I celebrate it on the 24th soooo....

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