Chap 18- Open up

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The next few days he continued his strict schedule of Slade's "schooling" but one afternoon Dick's patience was tested.

"You're not trying hard enough," Slade told him for the 20th time. Dick rolled his eyes "I am!"

"no, you aren't because you aren't fighting like you used to"

Dick crossed his arms "what is that supposed to mean?"

Slade raised a brow "have you truly forgotten how you fought before you came to me?"

Dick coughed "came to you?" he whispered to himself.

Slade took a remote control and pressed it, a screen began to slide down. Slade began to play a video.

Dick's eyes widen and watched as he was taking out 6 armed guards. He flinched at the crunching noises of the broken bones he gave the men and how he stabbed someone's eye with pliers.

"That ferocity that you had, that tactical skill and determination you had while you fought it's no longer here. I put you up with 6 robots with the same skill of those men and you can't manage to take down all of them without going out of breath or being wounded"

Slade paused the video and turned to Dick "So I want to know why is it different now?"

Dick looked down to the floor.

"is it perhaps that you have separated your two personas so far apart that Richard can't perform what Robin could before?"

Dick shook his head.

"it's not that" he whispered.

Slade brought two chairs and sat in one of them.

"Sit I have time to hear"

Dick looked at him weird "I won't tell you why!"

"Then I'll make you" Slade threaten but he cringed at the threat, Wintergreen wouldn't approve.

Dick growled "why must I spill out all of my thoughts and secrets to you when you don't give me anything back"

Slade nodded. "I can understand that, I will tell you things about me if you open up"

Dick couldn't understand why he was going to open up to Slade but he's been wanting to talk to someone about this.

"The reason that I'm trying to not fight as I used to is because I'm afraid...afraid of becoming like...Batman" Slade's eyes widen at the shocking revelation.

He always wanted to know why Robin left Batman and now he was going to get his answer.

"One big difference between him and I is that he puts his mission before family..before me and I just realized that I don't want to be that"

Slade nodded, Wintergreen was right Richard needs a family.

"Second, Batman was starting to be too brutal with his enemies, beating them closer to death and I didn't like that but he taught me his ways. I don't want to kill people and I always believed that everyone deserved a second chance so when I realized that my way of fighting enemies was taking me a step closer to killing someone I ran away. The Titans were my escape route, when I created the group I started to learn to be less serious and less brutal, and When you took me I promised myself to not fight like I used to because....If I was struggling not to kill my enemies under his roof then being under yours will be near impossible to avoid"

Slade was shocked and the painful revelation came to mind, teaching the kid to kill will take much longer than he thought. Perhaps if he showed him he can still be ruthless and not be able to kill will he start to perform better in fights? then as he gets more comfortable with himself then he can start to introduce the idea of getting rid of his enemies for good?....

Slade laid back on the chair and touched his goatee.

He had to think of what he was going to say next because if he didn't handle this carefully Richard could hate him more than he already hates him.

Sighing deeply he looks at Richard who is fidgeting, he could see that he was getting more nervous the less he kept quiet.

"Alright....I have decided something...I-I won't force you to kill until you feel comfortable"

Dick opened his mouth, that was great! Stupid Slade is in over his head because I'll never be ready to ever do it. He saw Slade standing up.

"wait! you have to tell me something about your self! it's not fair if-"

Slade smirks "Patience, I rather show you than just...tell you about it"

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